Photo Gallery A photo gallery is a web page that contains a collection of graphics arranged in a specific layout. Microsoft FrontPage provides four different layouts in which you can arrange your graphics, and if you are creating an album, each page can have a different layout.
Four Photo Layouts Horizontally Layout Vertical Layout Montage Layout Slide Show In all four Layouts Thumbnails of your images are created automatically.
Horizontally Layout Images are displayed in rolls Descriptive text is placed below each image
Vertical Layout Images are displayed in columns Descriptive are place to the right
Montage Layout (Collage) Images are displayed in a college pattern Text appears when you rest your mouse over the image Descriptions are not available for this layout
Slide Show Layout Images are arranged in rows across the top You would select the image for a full-size display in the center of the screen Descriptions of the image would be located at the bottom of the image
Adding a photo gallery Position the insertion point where you want to add a photo gallery. Select Insert ->Web Component In the left pane, click Photo Gallery. In the right pane, select the type of layout you want to use. A description of the selected layout appears below it. Click Finish. The Photo Gallery Properties dialog box automatically opens. Click Add to insert a graphic into the photo gallery. Note You can add as many graphics at a time as you want
Adding/Editing Caption to your Photos Select the name of the graphic whose caption you wish to edit preview box of the graphic is displayed next to its name. Do one or both of the following: In the Caption box, type the caption you want to appear under the graphic. In the Description box, type the description you want to appear in the space below the graphic and its caption. Note: If you choose Montage Layout, the text boxes for Caption and Description will be unavailable - grayed out.