A Small Tutorial on : 1) Managing Photos 2) Uploading Photos 3) Creating Blog
1) Managing Photos
Picture Resizing and Renaming Copy a maximum of 5 best pictures for an event into a new folder. The size of the picture will be displayed when you point your mouse on the picture or next to the picture itself. Here the picture size is 2668 x The size is too large we will need to resize it to an approximate of 600 x 400 or lower.
Right click on any picture and open with -> Microsoft Picture Manager. This tool comes with Microsoft Office 2003 and above.
Click here to see all the pictures in the folder.
Select all the pictures you see in the window, right click on anyone and select rename.
In this Box, write the name of the picture yyyymmdd_place_event_ (Hijri Date should be used) Change this value to 2. Make sure that all other settings are the same as shown here. When you will press Ok you will see the names of all the pictures changed. (1) (2) (3)
Click on Edit Pictures to resize the pictures to a smaller size. Make sure all the pictures are selected. After you click on Edit Pictures, this menu will appear. Click on Resize.
The Original and New size of the picture is shown here. Write the percentage amount, 15 or 20 etc to resize the image. The new size will be displayed below in real time. Therefore choose the percentage accordingly. Once you get the desired size (Maximum 600 x 400 through the percentage value click Ok. All the pictures will be resized.
The “*” sign in the images show that changes have been made to the image. Close Microsoft Picture Manager Click save when prompted and you are done. Click save when prompted and you are done. (1) (2) (3)
All Images in the New Folder have been resized and renamed and ready for upload.
2) Uploading Photos
After You are logged on attalim.net, click on Gallery in the main Menu. Uploading Pictures to the Website. Note: This must be done before writing a Blog Entry Once on the Gallery page. You will see a link called User Panel. Click on User Panel.
User Panel for Gallery User can edit, upload and delete his/her file through this panel Click on the New Picture Button to add new photos.
Picture Upload Page Max 5 Pictures can be uploaded in one time. Each Picture should be of a maximum 600 x 400 and named according to the following method: yyyymmdd_place_event_no (e.g _mumbai_workshop_01.jpg) Dates used must be hijri Write a Proper title relevant to the Pictures Select (Jamiat) relevant to the Pictures. It should be under your (Moze name). If such a required category is not there, write to Write a Proper description relevant to the Pictures Browse your Local Computer to upload pictures (1) (2) (3) (4)
Browse your Local Computer to upload pictures Double Click on the picture you want to upload.
Click on upload to upload the pictures and wait……! Note: If you are on a slow connection or dial-up upload 1 picture at a time.
Successful Upload ! Go to Gallery -> Browse to the category where you have uploaded the pictures.
You can see here the your best (5) uploaded pictures.
3) Creating a Blog
Right Click on My Blog Dashboard -> Open Link in New Tab Writing a Blog Entry
Click on Write New Entry button, a window will open.
Write a Proper Title for your Blog Entry. Note: Always write the name of your moze and Madrasa/School in square brackets before the Title. E.g [Sharjah] or [Dubai] or [Indore ABN] or [Indore BDC] Write a Proper Title for your Blog Entry. Note: Always write the name of your moze and Madrasa/School in square brackets before the Title. E.g [Sharjah] or [Dubai] or [Indore ABN] or [Indore BDC] It is always better to select the date on which the event occurred. Select the name of your Moze from the drop down menu. V. Imp
Click on Tags to expand the Tags menu. Select relevant tags by ticking the checkbox next to the tags. Once you are done click Assign.
Selected Tags will appear here.
Go to the Gallery Tab in your browser. Select the pictures that you have uploaded and copy them using ctrl + c
Go to the My Blog Dashboard Tab in the browser. Paste the pictures here using ctrl + v and properly format the post by dragging the pictures in order. Write captions as required.
Write a very short description about the event. Recheck the title. Note the name of Moze/Madrasa & Moze in the Square Bracket. Click Save or Save and Close if you are done.
The article has been posted to the site and is pending moderation. Note the cross, it shows that the post is not yet visible to the public and is pending moderation. My Blog Dashboard Moallimeen having “Author” rights can see, edit and delete their own posts that are shown on the My Blog Dashboard.