Dictatorbook You will be assigned a dictator and you are to create a dictatorbook site for your person. You have been provided a basic format for the assignment feel free to use it or expand upon it. You are only limited to your own creativity. You must include the items listed but feel free to add in other items as well. For example you may want to include favorite websites. Do a great job, many of your pages will be combines with others and placed on the wikisite. You will present your dictators on Monday 12/6- this assignment Dictators Hitler- GermanyFrancisco France- Spain Mussolini- ItalyHirohito- Japan Stalin- USSR
Dictatorbook Place photo of Dictator here Name: Position: Years in Power: Nation-state: Friends: Last name Likes:Dislikes: About Me: -Put your information in bullets - Include how they came to power - Pol partynation Groups policedictatorsdictatorville Pol partynationGroups Profile edit FriendsPhotosWall
Dictatorbook Place photo of Dictator here Name: Position: Years in Power: Nation-state: Events: Wall Profile edit FriendsPhotosWall Last name Date - Message to Dictator Last name Date- Message to Dictator Last name Date- Message to Dictator Last name Date - Message to Dictator
Dictatorbook All Friends:Status Updates: Put Pic here First and last name Short summary of friend Put Pic here First and last name Short summary of friend Put Pic here First and last name Short summary of friend Put Pic here First and last name Short summary of friend Put Pic here First and last name Short summary of friend Profile edit FriendsPhotosWall
Dictatorbook Photos: Tag and caption Put Pic here Tag and caption Put Pic here Tag and caption Put Pic here Tag and caption Put Pic here Tag and caption Profile edit FriendsPhotosWall