Planet Project Template Mr. Donovan’s grade 6 class
Name of your planet By: Names Date
Location in our Solar System Identify the orbital location in relationship to the sun. Place a photo on this slide that shows where your planet is located in relationship to the sun. (Picture should include the sun.) Tell whether the planet is an inner or outer planet.
Composition Describe what your planet is made up of. Describe its specific composition. Include a photo (with a caption) of the surface of your planet. Also, tell whether the planet is considered a gas or rock planet.
Moons Does your planet have moons? If your planet has no moons, simply state that planet does not have any moons. If you planet has moon, state how many moons your planet has? List moon names, if possible. Include a picture with a caption.
Rings Provide information about the rings surrounding your planet. If your planet does not have rings, simply state that the planet does not have any rings. Include a photo (with a caption) of the rings.
Unique Characteristics You must include 3 characteristics! Share unique traits or characteristics about your planet. Research characteristics such as color, temperature, surface structures, exploration etc. What is your planet known for? Why is it unique? Include a picture with caption.
Resources Include 3 credible sources of information. Sources can include books, encyclopedia, or on-line sources. Cite each source properly. Include a photo or image.
Grading This presentation is worth 30 points.Ask yourself the following questions: 1. Did you complete everything asked with a high level of effort? 2. Did you include great images with excellent captions?Did you include any images that do not reinforce your topic? If so, delete them. 3. Is your presentation colorful, easy to read, and neat? 4. Is your presentation error free? Remember...use your rubric and project requirements for more details. Now delete this slide before turning in.
Did you finish early? Make your presentation “Over the Top” Add more facts Add more photos with descriptive captions Add animations Add an audio narration Add supportive graphics Do not focus on this! Focus on the facts and information you will be graded on!
Turning in Your Presentation When finished, let Mr. Donovan know. Be sure to complete your self-evaluation. WARNING – No points are awarded if your presentation gets “accidentally” deleted, does not save, gets lost, is at home, etc. YOU are responsible for your presentation. Delete this slide before turning in.