Click here to add a picture of your country’s flag Click here to add your country’s name
Describe the location of your country here Add a picture of your country
Major Cities of (your country name) Add a list of your major cities here
(name of your country) Type of government of your country Population of your country Food samples of your country
Landmarks Add photo and caption about famous landmarks
Food of your country Add photo
Clothing Worn in (your country’s name) Add a picture of clothing worn in your country
Language of (your country’s name) “hello” – “good bye” – “school” – “friend” – “mother” – “1”- “100” -
Art Photo
Music/ Songs What are some traditional songs of your country
Famous People from (your Country) Name of a famous person Add a picture of the famous person here Name of a famous person Add a picture of the famous person here
Games played in your country
Toys What traditional toys are played with by children of your country?
Interesting facts about your country
“Goodbye” in your country’s language Picture of your choice about your country