Bolivia By:Zahariah Williams
The country flag and its meaning... The red stripe on top of the Bolivian flag is representative of the Bolivian soldier’s bravery in defense of their country. Yellow stands for the rich mineral resources of the country. Green symbolizes the fertility of the soil.
Where is Bolivia located... Bolivia is located in South America
Climate average weather and temperature... The average temperature in Bolivia is 7.5c(46F).
Famous person,reason they are famous Pedro Domingo Murillo was the precursor and the first Martyr of Bolivian independence. He was born 1757 and died in He is famous because he became the 1st Martyr of Bolivia. He is also famous because he was a priest. An aunt of Pedro, called Catalina Felipe, he filed a lawsuit, he disputed property left by Juan Ciriaco. Murillo won easily in the first instance, but made a terrible mistake falsifying his law degree.
What is the sports that is played in Bolivia? Soccer is a popular sport that is played in Bolivia. Another popular sport that is played in Bolivia is Paleta. Soccer is such a big deal that even the soccer players want to be recorded and put on T.V. Paleta is a sport that's played in a large outdoor court surrounded by three tall walls.
The Popular Music Bolivia really dont have any popular music because its based on their culture and religion. Bolivia has over 30 different ethnic groups and cultures as well and each of them have their own type of music. Many of their styles have been adopted from other countries by Bolivia musicians.
The distance from Bolivia to New York... The distance from Bolivia to New York is 3899 miles. The kilometers is
How much is the Plane ticket from Bolivia to New York... The amount of money you will have to pay for the ticket is $1,465.