(grasshoppers, crickets, katydids) ORTHOPTERA (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids)
? ✓ ✓ ✓ = Orthopteroid orders Plecoptera Zoraptera Embiodea Dermaptera Grylloblattodea ✓ Mantophasmatodea ✓ Polyneoptera Phasmida Orthoptera Mantodea Isoptera Blattaria Psocoptera Neoptera Phthiraptera Paraneoptera Thysanoptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Rhaphidioptera Neuropterida Megaloptera Neuroptera Hymenoptera Mecoptera Siphonaptera Diptera ? Panorpida Strepsiptera Trichoptera Lepidoptera = Orthopteroid orders
Hexapod Orders Orthoptera Ortho - straight, ptera - wing Number of Species 23,000 Common names Grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, katydids Typical habitats - vegetation, worldwide Distinguishing characteristics ovipositor saltatorial hind legs Other features -first group to use sound in communication
Orthopteran Phylogeny
Fossil Crickets & grasshoppers
Characteristics of Orthoptera 1. Chewing Mouthparts
Characteristics of Orthoptera 2. Saltatorial Hind Legs
Two Suborders of Orthoptera 1. Caelifera - Grasshoppers diurnal, jumping short antennae terrestrial (not arboreal) 2. Ensifera - katydids, crickets nocturnal, walking long antennae arboreal
Sound Production Ensifera
Sound production - stridulation
Sound production - stridulation
Sound production - stridulation Katydid song Cricket song
Sound production - stridulation
Sound production - habitat modification Mole cricket song
Phylogeny of Stridulation From Gwynne 1995
Sound Reception Ensifera
Ensifera - hearing
Ensifera - hearing
Sound Production Caelifera
Sound Reception Caelifera
Sound Reception
Orthoptera - Camouflage Caelifera
Ensifera - Camouflage/Mimicry
Orthoptera - Camouflage Ensifera
Ensifera - Nutrients to Female
Ensifera - Nutrients to Female
Does the female get the nutrients? Spermatophore takes up radioactive protein Inject male with radioactive protein Spermatophore passed to female Eggs contain radioactive protein
Amount of spermatophylax eaten Ensifera - Nutrients to Female Amount of spermatophylax eaten Protein in diet Female size Egg size Number of eggs % surviving Son: length of time as a juvenile Son’s size Spermatophylax size Daughter: length of time as a juvenile Daughter’s size Number of eggs
Some representative Orthoptera Ensifera Hagloidea - grigs, Cyphoderris Gryllidae - crickets, mole crickets
Some representative Orthoptera Ensifera Stenopalmatidae - Jerusalem cricket & wetas Tettigoniidae - katydids
Some representative Orthoptera Caelifera Acrididae - Grasshoppers & locusts
Economic Importance Schistocerca gregaria - migratory locust Solitary Dispersing
Economic Importance Schistocerca gregaria - migratory locust Solitary Dispersing
Economic Importance Schistocerca gregaria - migratory locust •
Locust outbreaks - Australia
Economic Importance
Economic Importance
Economic Importance