The Yanomani (Brazil) Their village life is centered around the yano, or communal house. The yano is a large, circular building constructed of vine and leaf thatch, which has a living space in the middle. Plantains (a type of banana) are a major source of food for these people. The Penan (Malaysia) The Penan live in the forests of Sarawak. They hunt animals using blowpipes and poisonous darts. They also gather plants and fruit, building their homes out of branches, logs and plants. The Huli (Papua New Guinea) The Huli live by hunting, gathering plants and growing crops. Men and women live separately, in large group houses. The men decorate their bodies with coloured clay and wear elaborate head-dresses for ceremonies. Baka Pygmies (Cameroon) Baka Pygmies live in the rainforest of Cameroon, together with various groups of bantu farmers. They have exchange goods and lived together for hundreds of years. Many different groups of people live inside the World's rainforests but their numbers are dwindling as their homes are cut down. They are mainly hunter-gatherers who live in harmony with the forest. It provides them with food, shelter, medicine and clothes. Use the hotspots to read about the lifestyles of some of these tribes. Discuss how they are similar and different to your own lifestyle.
As well as hunting, gathering wild fruits and nuts and fishing, some groups who live in the rainforests also plant small gardens using a method called SHIFTING CULTIVATION. This practice is sustainable and has little impact on the rainforests providing that the tribe does not grow too large and it has access to a wide area of land so that used areas have time to recover… Can you order these statements correctly so that the Huli of Papua New Guinea can harvest their crops? The used, cleared land is allowed to regrow for years before it is farmed again. The farmers move to another nearby uncleared area. A small area of land is chosen for clearing. The cleared area is burned to add nutrients to the soil. Crops used for food and medicine are planted. After being used a few times, the soil becomes too poor to allow more crops to grow.
A small area of land is chosen for clearing. The cleared area is burned to add nutrients to the soil. Crops used for food and medicine are planted. After being used a few times, the soil becomes too poor to allow more crops to grow. The farmers move to another nearby uncleared area. The used, cleared land is allowed to regrow for years before it is farmed again.