The European Union THE EUROPEAN UNION How does cultural diversity impact political identity?
The European Union Symbols of the European Union The European flag The European anthem Ode to Joy Europe Day May 9 The motto United in diversity
The European Union
Windows, Doorways and Bridges on EU Notes symbolize connectedness and openness.
The European Union EU coins have a common front and nation-specific designs on the reverse.
The European Union 24 Official Languages
The European Union EU Interpreters & Translators at Work
The European Union Europe is a Mix of Many Ethnicities
The European Union Study Abroad Programs More than 3 million young Europeans have studied or pursued personal development in European countries other than their own with support from EU programs. © Getty Images
The European Union Study Abroad Programs Comenius: pre-school to secondary school education exchanges Erasmus Mundus: higher education mobility Leonardo da Vinci: vocational training Youth in Action: voluntary work and non-formal education
The European Union Free to move Schengen: No police or customs checks at borders between most EU countries Controls strengthened at EU external borders More cooperation between police from different EU countries You can buy and bring back any goods for personal use when traveling between EU countries