WJTSC March 2010 JLET Way-Ahead Open Forum Discussion
Issue : Lack of an oversight structure to support the DOD Joint logistics education and training requirements. Discussion: In the past few years there has been a myriad of initiatives and studies that were consolidated in the Joint Logistics Education, Training, and Exercise Study (JLETES). There is no central authority providing oversight related to Joint Logistics education and training to influence the logistics learning continuum to shape the development of Joint logisticians. This shortcoming has resulted in duplication of efforts, lost opportunities, and reduced support to combatant command Joint logisticians and puts implementation of the 40+ recommendations made in the JLETES at risk. Endstate: Centralized responsibility for Joint Logistics Education and Training that will lead the effort to refine and implement the proposed JLETES Roadmap. This structure will provide direct support to the Warfighter by overseeing the implementation of a Joint Logistics Advanced Knowledge Management System to support the Joint logistician; ensure Joint logistics courses are certified; and provide overall coordination of Joint logistics education and training initiatives. POA&M: Formally designate the Joint Logistics Board (JLB) as the Joint logistics education and training governance and management structure to support the DOD Joint logistics education and training requirements. OPR: USJFCOM J7, Center for Joint and Strategic Logistics (CJSL) OCR:JS J4 and J7, Combatant Commands, Services, DUSD (L&MR) Joint Logistics Education and Training Briefer: Mr. Bizub Transition issue to CJSL MAR 10 TBD 10AUG 10 Add verbiage for milestone
Training for Integrated Operations Background: DODD defines integrated operations as the synchronization, coordination, and/or integration of DOD and other U.S. Government agencies’ activities, in coordination with partner nations, and non-governmental entities across the full range of military operations, which achieves a comprehensive approach that advances U.S. Government goals and objectives. DODD directs the combatant commands to establish and conduct integrated operations training as required by joint mission essential tasks. Requirement: Questions to consider for your working group functional area of interest: What are our priorities for the conduct of Integrated Operations Training? What are the joint training requirements for Integrated Operations Training? What gaps are identified that hinder effective Integrated Operations Training? Bottom Line: How does integrated operations training change our joint training perspectives? Conference Theme Discussion