University job placement as a first gate to the world of work: the good practices in Genoa Prof. Marilena Carnasciali University Deputy for Guidance activities.


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Presentation transcript:

University job placement as a first gate to the world of work: the good practices in Genoa Prof. Marilena Carnasciali University Deputy for Guidance activities and the relationships with the school world, University of Genova, Italy PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE ROLE OF UNIVERSITY ISTAT, July 2014: in the years old range, unemployment is 42,9%. The highest percentage in the last 35 years! Almalaurea, 2014: one year after graduation, 26,5% of the foundation level (the first three years) graduates and 22,9% of the second level (Laurea Magistrale) are still unemployed, with an average delay of 2 years. ANVUR, 2013: the transition rate from the first to the second level is on average slightly higher than 50% therefore in theory we have to provide a placement to all PhDs, all second level and half of the first graduates. L. 92/2012 – law of the labour market reform: universities contribute to the job network through the orientation services. THE JOB PLACEMENT IS ALSO A MISSION FOR UNIVERSITY PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

THE SKILLS REQUIRED BY THE JOB MARKET (1) Excelsior Report, Unioncamere 2013: the skills required by companies include a good knowledge of the English language, the ability to work in a team, problem solving, and communication skills. The technical and professional skills are not the most important but complementary. It should be noted that the skills required by companies are modeled on the skills set out by the Dublin descriptors (knowledge and understanding, applying knowledge and understanding, making judgements, communication skills, learning skills). ANVUR Report, 2013: In Italy the majority of young people studying in universities obtain a Master degree ISCED 5A, while in other European countries, a higher percentage of young people prefers tertiary education ISCED 5B with more technical and professional competences (and not only theoretical knowledge). Therefore they are more trained to a better approach to the labour market. PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

THE SKILLS REQUIRED BY THE JOB MARKET (2) Eurostat Report, 2013: in Europe, 35.8% of people aged between 30 and 34 years old completed a tertiary education whereas the aim of Europe 2020 strategy is to reach at least 40% by Italy is at 21.7% which is more than 10 points lower than the EU average. PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

Internships: an instrument of introduction to work Almalaurea, 2014: Students who carry out an internship have 14% more chances of finding work, but only about 56% of our graduates has done a curricular training (UNIGE provides about 3000 internships a year). Internships and work projects are the most effective instruments of orientation and introduction to work because they allow: -to know in advance the world of work, the areas of possible interest, the culture and business processes; -to consolidate disciplinary knowledge and develop competence; -to learn the soft skills most requested by companies, as the ability to communicate, to work in a team, creativity and flexibility; - to work through projects, thus in a finalized way with respect to the aims, timing, cost and with an interdisciplinary approach. PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

Internships: the conditions for their effectiveness Learning and guidance within the framework of the training course are directly proportional to: - clarity of professional training project developed by the student along his university path, in which the internship must be a key point; -a choice of training courses offered by the University really based on learning outcomes, consistent with the cultural and professional profiles that you want to create, that also enhances the learning experience both in formal and in non-formal contexts; University system has to change and we are aware that it is necessary to introduce progressive changes in our educational opportunities. PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

CONCLUSIONS (1) That’s an overview of the Italian situation. Now, just to summarise, let’s quickly look at our main points again. The first, second and third cycles established in the Bologna Process are the key elements of the overarching framework of students' formation. These cycles can be better understood by referring to the descriptors which have been developed jointly by stakeholders across Europe – the so-called “Dublin descriptors” PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

CONCLUSIONS (2) It should be noted that the skills required by companies are modeled on the skills set out by the Dublin descriptors (knowledge and understanding, applying knowledge and understanding, making judgements, communication skills, learning skills). Trainers and users speak the same language, but do not always talk to each other Students who carry out an internship have more chances of finding work In Italy the majority of young people studying in universities obtain a Master degree ISCED 5A, acquiring a knowledge more theoretical than practical University needs to improve more and more guidance in output and job placement PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

Good practices of UNIGE Introduction of a monitoring system of internship, on both the process and the outcome to evaluate job placement; Set up of the internship project in terms of skills to be acquired, rather than activities to carry out; Testing of university-work alternation system (e.g. high level internship), in which the student acquires CFU also during the company training (formal and non-formal); Investment on professional guidance for vocational operator and training management; Introduction of courses to learn cross sectional skills in the post graduate offer (PhDs, masters). PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum

With that, I conclude my presentation. Let me thank all the colleagues of the Service Lifelong Learning and Career Guidance and thank you for your kind attention. PRAXIS’14 Open Discussion forum