The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) EUs main programme for funding research & technological development. Budget: 50.5bn Will last 7 years ( ) Two main strategic objectives: 1.Strengthen scientific & technological base in Europe. 2.Encourage its international competitiveness, while promoting research that supports EU policies
What is FP7 really about? Bringing together talent from: - Across Europe - Across disciplines - Across sectors - Across all types of organisation To contribute to FP7 vision…….. of the EU becoming the world's leading research area (ERA).
How does FP7 achieve this……… by promoting and investing in world-class state-of-the-art research, based primarily upon the principle of excellence in research. In order to……………. FP7 Goal: address European social, economic, environmental, public health and industrial challenges, serve the public good and support developing countries
FP7 Structure 4 Specific Programmes Total budget 50.5bn* *1.75bn (4%) for Non-nuclear actions of the Joint Research Centre Collaborative Research (10 Themes) 32.37bn 64% Collaborative Research (10 Themes) 32.37bn 64% 2 IDEAS 3 PEOPLE 4 CAPACITIES Frontier Research (European Research Council) 7.46bn 15% Frontier Research (European Research Council) 7.46bn 15% Human Potential (Marie Curie Fship) % Human Potential (Marie Curie Fship) % Research Capacity (Infrastructures, SMEs, Regions etc) % Research Capacity (Infrastructures, SMEs, Regions etc) % 1 COOPERATION
1. COOPERATION Supports trans-national cooperation for all types of research by different research bodies. Aim is to gain or consolidate leadership in key scientific and technology areas. 10 themes - ID as areas that will address the EUs future changes
Minimum conditions for participation 3 independent participants from 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated Countries (AC; countries not EU members but can participate fully in FP through international agreement). Note: additional conditions can be set in the Work Programme e.g. Number of participants and location of organisation Who can participate? Any company, university, research centre, organisation or individual, legally established in any country may participate.
Funding schemes in the Cooperation Programme (instruments) Collaborative Projects: research project performed by consortia. Can range from small and focused to large and integrating. (Small: 18-36months, 0.8-4m, 6-15 partners) (Large: 36-60months, 4-7m, partners) Networks of Excellence: Joint programme of activities performed by research organisations to integrate activities for long term co-operation. (5-7yrs max, 4-7m, 6-12 partners) Coordination & Support Actions: help coordinate and support research activities and polices (networking, exchanges, conferences & trans-national access to research infrastructure) (CA: 18-36moths, m, partners) (SA: 9-30months, m, 1-15partners)
bn% 1. Health Food, Agriculture & Biotechnology Information & Communication Technologies Nano- Sciences, Technologies, Materials & New Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities Space and Security Space 1.43 Security 1.35 COOPERATION 32.37bn, 64% of budget
Health - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 19/4/07 Budget: 628M Child health Health of the ageing population International Co-operation Research for Policy Needs and Emerging Scientific Needs Biotechnology, generic tool & technologies for human health Translating research for human health Optimising the delivery of health care to European citizens
Food, Agriculture & Biotechnology - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 02/05/07 Budget: 192M 1. Sustainable production & management of biological resources 2. Fork to Farm – Food, health and well being 3. Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food products and processes
ICT - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 08/05/07 Budget: 1,019M Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures 2 - Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics 3 - Components, Systems, Engineering 4 - Digital Libraries and Content 5 - Towards Sustainable and Personalised Healthcare 6 - ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency 7 - ICT for Independent Living and Inclusion
NMP - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 05/06/07 Budget: 15M Call Deadline : 04/05/07 Budget: 200M Call Deadline : 04/05/07 Budget: 105M Call Deadline : 04/05/07 Budget: 44M 1. Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 2. Materials 3. New Production 4. Integration of technologies for industrial production
Energy - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 03/05/07 Budget: 10.9M Call Deadline : 03/05/07 Budget: 128M Renewable electricity generation Energy savings and energy efficiency Renewable fuel production CO2 capture & storage for zero emission power generation Renewables for heating and cooling Clean coal technologies Hydrogen and fuel cellsSmart energy networks Knowledge for energy policy making
Environment - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 02/05/07 Budget: 200M 1.Climate change, pollution and risks 3. Environmental technologies 2. Sustainable management of resources 4. Earth observation & assessment tools
Transport - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 03/05/07 Budget: 153M Call Deadline : 03/05/07 Budget: 60M Call Deadline : 03/05/07 Budget: 12M Call Deadline : 03/05/07 Budget: 4M 1. Aeronautics and air transport 2. Surface transport 3. Support to the European global satellite navigation system (Galileo)
Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 10/05/07 Budget: 58.5M 1. Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society 2. Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective 8. Strategic activities 7. Foresight activities 6. Socio-economic and scientific indicators 5. The citizen in the European world 4. Europe in the world 3. Major trends in society and their implications
Space - Activities Call Deadline : 19/06/07 Budget: 34.5M Space-based applications at the service of the European Society GMES Security Applications of Satellite Communications Exploration of Space Space technology - to improve competitiveness and assess long term needs Space sciences - for advanced technologies and support for International Space Station
Security Mission orientated R& D - Activity Areas Call Deadline : 31/05/07 Budget: 80.3M 1. Security of citizens 2. Security of infrastructures and utilities Security research co-ordinating and structuring Security and society Security systems integration, interconnectivity & interoperability 4. Restoring security and safety in the case of crisis 3. Intelligent surveillance and boarder security The above four areas will be supported by the following themes of a more cross-cutting nature:
COOPERATION bn (~64%) Health Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information / Communication Technology Nano- Sciences, Technologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Space and Security IDEAS 7.46bn (~15%) Frontier Research PEOPLE 4.728bn (~9%) Marie Curie CAPACITIES 4.217bn (~8%) Research Infrastructures SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science & Society Coherent development of research policies INCO