Approximation, Estimation, & Percentage Error September 3 rd, 2013
Warm Up (Rounding) 1) 5,678,254 to the nearest 1 million. 2) to the nearest thousandth 3) 567 to one significant figure 4) to 3 significant figures
Homework Questions
There is a difference? ESTIMATION A value given to a number which is close to, but not equal to, its true value. Example: 38.7 X 5.1 can be estimated as… 40 X 5 = 200 Whereas its true value is APPROXIMATION A value which has been found by judgment of prediction instead of carrying out a more accurate measurement. Example: is approximately 36.4
ERROR Whenever we measure a quantity there is almost always a difference between our measurement and the actual value, the difference is called the error. So if we approximate 197 to be 200, the error is 3…… = 3 E = V A – V E Error = APPROXIMATE VALUE – EXACT VALUE V A = approximate value V E = exact value
Examples Find the ERROR! 1) The yearly profit of 2,352,789 made by a company to 2.35 million. 2) The number of new cars sold by a company in a year from 2811 to 3000.
PERCENTAGE ERROR A percentage of the exact value. FORMULA: ABSOLUTE PERCENTAGE ERROR The size of the percentage error, ignoring its sign. FORMULA: So for the 197 example,
Examples Find the Error, Percentage Error & Abs % Error 1) The mass of a brick to be 5kg when its measures mass is 6.238kg 2) The perimeter of a property to be 100m when its measured length is 97.6
Homework Edition 2 pg #1-4 Edition 1 pg #1-4
Pre-Assessment Results-A day Question #Amount WrongTopic 35Factors 55Multiplying Binomials 69Solving for a variable Systems of Equations 108Inequality/Number Line 118Inequality/Number Line 1216Negative Exponents 137Evaluating 1411Linear Inequality
Pre-Assessment Results-B day Question #Amount WrongTopic 110Order of Operations 68Multiplying Binomials 77Solving for a variable Systems of Equations 106Inequality/Number Line 116Inequality/Number Line 1213Negative Exponents 135Evaluating 145Linear Inequality