“ The cleverest pupils” Задание1. Посмотрите на карту Великобритании и ответьте на вопросы 1. How many parts are there in the United Kingdom? 2. What river is the capital situated on ? 3. Which seas and channels separate the British isles ? 4. Say the names of the four main parts of the UK and their capitals
Задание 2. Поставьте буквы в правильном порядке так, чтобы у вас получились названия стран. Put these letters in a correct order so to receive names of the countries. Name these countries 1.iecmaar 2.zrlbia 3.danaac 4.gdelenn 5.rmyange
6.lytaI 7.atcsdlon 8.alswe
READING Sir Walter Scott is a great British or American writer What a historic town is known as Shakespeare’s birthplace? What Russian poet was a husband of the famous American dancer Isadora Duncan? Translate the word “ bookworm”. What book has information about the world’s tallest, shortest, richest and greatest? Who is the author of the book “ Treasure Island”, When the novel “ Three men in a boat” was published, this man became very famous. Who is he? Where can we find the Poets’ Corner with monuments and tombs of outstanding writers? What town did Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, George Eliot and many other writers make their home?
British Traditions What is traditional British food How many public holidays are there in Britain? What is the official language of the UK? How is the British flag call? What is the national currency of the UK? What is the Britain’s national drink? Have the British their English national dress? What song is the British national song? Britain is a constitutional monarchy, but does it have “a constitution”? What is the name of British Father Frost?
The Royal Family Who is the official head of the UK? How is the future king of English called? How many birthdays has Elizabeth II ? What ceremony does take place on the Queen’s official birthday on the 2 nd Saturday in June? Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. What is mean when the flag is up? How much money does the Queen get a year What is the famous Royal church ? Did the Russian Tsar and the English Queen write letters to each other?
What is the family name of the present royal family? a) Tudor a)Smith b)Stuart c)Windsor present royal family?
Which university did Prince William attend? a)Oxford University b)Cambridge University c)St Andrews University d)London University
Find symbols of these holidays Easter Christmas Father’s Day Halloween Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day
Найдите русский вариант к этим пословицам Мой дом – моя крепость. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Век живи – век учись! М Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня. Сначала думай, потом говори. Ясно, как день. Друг познается в беде. Делу время, потехе час.. East or West home is best. 2. First think, then speak. 3. As clear as day. 4. Better late than never. 5. Live and learn. 6.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.. 7. My home is my castle. 8. Business before pleasure. 9. A friend in need is a friend indeed
. Письмо(Writing).) Вы получили открытку от своего английского друга, написали ему ответ, но ваш младший брат пролил на открытку краску, восстановите текст открытки.(You’ve got a post card from your English friend and replied it but your younger brother spoiled it, renew the text). Dear Max, ___________________ very much for your card. I spent my______________holidays well. My family and I went to the lake Seliger. The weather was_____________. I made_______ with many boys and girls. We swam in the lake,______________volleyball, went fishing. I _____________my holidays.____________ did you spend your holidays? Yours, Andrey.
Sports in Great Britain. Why are swimming, boating and sailing popular in Britain? This kind of sport began to develop in Scotland and now it is widely spread all over Britain. What kind of British sports existed even in the Saxon times? What game did the first settlers play on the board of the "Mayflower" in 1620? Why are the British not very much interested in skiing and skating?