Microbial Biotechnology Products from Microorganisms LECTURE 12: Biotechnology; 3 Credit hours Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) National.


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Presentation transcript:

Microbial Biotechnology Products from Microorganisms LECTURE 12: Biotechnology; 3 Credit hours Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)

Products from Microorganisms A number of commercially important compounds are produced from microorganism by biotechnology. That includes; Metabolites Enzymes Antibiotics Natural Rubber Fuels Plastics

1. Metabolites Two types of metabolites are produced by microbial cell 1.Primary metabolite 2.Secondary metabolite Primary metabolite They are produced during the organism growth phase. These compound are essential to an organism metabolism and can be intermediate metabolite or end products

Metabolites Cont.'s Secondary Metabolites They are derived from primary metabolites or the intermediates of primary metabolites They are characteristically produced quite late in the growth cycle They are not essential for the cell growth or function Their specific functions are unknown, these compound probably give the organism selective advantage against its competitors in its natural environment

Primary MetabolitesSecondary Metabolites Amino AcidsAntibiotics VitaminsPigments NucleotidesToxins PolysaccharidesAlkaloids EthanolMany active pharmacological compounds AcetoneImmuno suppressor cyclosporins etc. Butanol Lactic Acid Metabolites Cont.'s

2. Enzymes Enzymes isolated from microorganism and fungi have applications in the production of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and detergents High fructose corn syrup by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for β-amylase, Aspergillus niger for glucoamylase and Arthrobacter sp. For glucose isomerase

Enzymes Cont.’s EnzymesUses LipasesEnhance flavor in cheese making LactaseBreaks down lactose to glucose and galactose; lactose free milk products ProteaseDetergent additive; hydrolase suspended proteins in beer that form during brewing for a less cloudy chilled beer α-amylaseUsed in production of high fructose corn syrup PectinaseDegrades pectin to soluble components, reduce cloudiness in chilled wine, fruit juice Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA)Dissolves blood clots

Recombinant DNA technology provides way to mass produce industrially important enzymes How??? The search for new microorganism and enzymes is going on Less than 1% of the world’s microorganism have been cultured and characterized Hence they represent an untapped gold mine Enzymes Cont.’s

Microbes have adapted to practically every habitat, they have evolved complex biochemical pathways Scientist are discovering new enzymes from microorganism, extremophiles, as well as those found in wastewater that may be applicable to a variety of industrial processes Once enzyme and its application identified, it can be improved for enhanced catalytic properties, modified substrate recognition through genetic engineering Enzymes Cont.’s

Antibiotics are small metabolites with antimicrobial activity; produced by Gram +ve, G–ve and fungi Their role in nature is to enable the antibiotic producer to effectively compete for resources in the environment by killing or inhibiting the growth of competitor microorganism 3. Antibiotics

Antibiotics Cont.’s

First antibiotic used was penicillin, discovered in 1929 by Alexder Fleming Antimicrobial drugs act is different ways by Disrupting the plasma membrane Inhibiting cell wall synthesis Inhibiting protein synthesis; translation Inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis and replication Inhibiting synthesis of important metabolites; folic acid etc. Antibiotics Cont.’s