Helplife works in partnerships for improving the quality of life of women and children by promoting positive living, and for improving reproductive and sexual health of couples using appropriate technology. Our Mission
Managing Committee Members of Helplife Dr Ujwal Nene Medha Ranade Dr. Hitt Sharma (Trustee) Mrs Anagha Ghosh Mrs. Sadhana Luthra (Trustee) Advisory Committee Members of Helplife Dr. Statira Wadia Dr. William Stones Dr. K. Sancheti Jenny Ruducha Sameer Ghosh
Brief On Our Activities: Helplife is composed of academicians and researchers with main contributions in the field of Reproductive and child health. It has Activities directed towards welfare of women and children. Providing minimum obstetric care & family planning services Activities which promote use of appropriate technology for safe childbirth & traditional best practices Services like counseling to individuals in reproductive and sexual health Staff which visits school for the physically handicapped and provides counseling
Activities which offer medical check up in schools Provides/ monitory help for calipers and operations for polio I Activities undertaken during the internship program for the physically challenged Educational courses, life skills Placement of the students enrolled under the internship program. Value education - shaping future students into responsible citizens of India. Positive thinking workshops Brief On Our Activities (Continued …)
General club activities for the students during internship program. Feedback review of the program after 6 months. Income generation activities Helplife arranges workshops / lectures / symposium on heath education and human resource development from time to time. Brief On Our Activities (Continued …)
Helplife is actively working for physically handicapped girls Purpose: Mainstreaming them into society with an aim for them to become professionals and independent members of society addressing physical, mental and social rehabilitation. Activity: Running a unique Internship program for physically disabled girls (“DIFFERENTLY ABLED”) in Pune. Girls selected from rural areas and below poverty line urban areas
Program looks at developing a holistic Integrated Education Project to allow full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities. Through Helplife : Girls attend college Exposed to English and Computer classes, Personality development, value education and vocational training. Live independently in a flat in Pune Manage their own resources and daily routine
This program at Helplife looks at enhancing access to quality education vocational training counseling motivational activities Health related activities regular health check-ups management of existing ailments OUR WISH Up scaling this program by including more differently abled girls who do not have access to post school education and enroll them in this unique program !!!
Proposed Activities Aptitude test for girls currently in program Obtaining scholarships for girls currently in program Obtaining and upgrading equipment Charity Dinner for Helplife Obtaining FCNRA certificate for approval of foreign funding Developing Research Grants for expanding the program Induction of 20 more girls into the program Collaborating with Institutes working for physically handicapped Looking at innovative means for community rehabilitation for disabled Looking at developing and motivating girls through various methods like appreciative inquiry
Dr. Mulani- Ophthalmologist Dr. Bhave - Orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Beri - Pathologist, chief of Med Inn Lab Dr. Anmol Shah - Dentist Dr. Shirin Venket - Obstetrician & Gynecologist Dr. Venket - Pediatrician List of doctors contributing to Helplife free of cost…
Looking at targeting holistic development of differently abled individuals through partnerships … Help us achieve this …