Research Designs/Lit Reviews
Experimental Methods-Advantages Allow the researcher control over the situation Allows for more certainty of measurement Allow for stronger causal inferences- High Internal Validity Control of extraneous factors Control of extraneous factors
Experimental Methods- Disadvantage Limits to External Validity Subject Population Subject Population Reality of Situation Reality of Situation Cannot create some circumstances Cannot create some circumstances Demand Effects Demand Effects Cannot manipulate all factors Personality Personality Ethical Considerations Ethical Considerations Somewhat weak relationship between attitudes and behaviors?
Experiments- When Appropriate When feasible When ethical When factors of interest are controllable Public Opinion Change Media Studies
Time Series Look at cases at multiple times Panel Study- Re-interview same cases at set points Presidential Approval Track from 50s to present Track from 50s to present Look at Approval rating of president as Dependent Variable Look at Approval rating of president as Dependent Variable Look at fluctuations in other factors Look at fluctuations in other factors
Time Series- Advantages Causality- follows temporal patterns Gives best insight into over time change Panels- good for understanding change
Time Series- Disadvantages Must have data over time Consistency of measures over time Causality- confusion? Challenge- empirical generalization Panels Drop outs Drop outs Systematic bias in sample Systematic bias in sample Learning Learning
Time Series- When Appropriate When looking at change over time When looking at historical events When looking at development processes When looking at factors that cannot be easily manipulated in lab or do not vary cross-sectionally
Cross Sectional One time Look at multiple cases Cases should have variation Example- National Election Study
Cross Sectional Studies- Survey Cross Sectional Studies- Survey Random sample of population of interest Ideal Sample greater than 500 Fixed questionnaire Ask all at roughly same time Ideal for public opinion/voting behavior
Cross Sectional Designs- Advantages Does not require as much advanced planning Good for comparing groups of things Snapshot
Cross Sectional Design- Disadvantages Does not work for certain types of phenomena Limited ability to make causal connections Temporal issues Temporal issues Limited number of cases
Case Study Focus intense study on one case Often qualitative Challenge- generality
Surveys More a tool than a design Randomly select large number of people Administer same questionnaire May be cross sectional or time series Allows rich data collection Often most generalizable Expensive Not social Inflexible
Focus Groups 4-10 people together Have them discuss Relatively unstructured Advantage- study more social phenomena Generate new ideas Concern- generalizability Interpretation
Literature Reviews Survey what has been previously written on your topic Present a summary Use to generate ideas Use to identify gaps Use to define concepts Use to generate hypotheses Use to build your case
Appropriate Sources Generally Not Newspaper/Magazine Articles Books Scholarly Journals Internet?
Research Strategies Identify keywords Be Concrete Be Concrete Use search engine Library Catalog Library Catalog Academic Universe Academic Universe Lexis/Nexis Lexis/Nexis Jstor Jstor Google Google
Research Strategies Search titles/Abstracts Search Keywords Search Full Text Link terms Exclude terms
Pyramid Strategy Identify initial sources Look to their literature reviews Look up bibliographic citations Read those sources Lather, rinse, repeat
Organizing Sources Record all information you would need for a bibliographic citation End Note/web based program Keep notes on gist of source Balance detail with conciseness
Abstract Identify the following Hypothesis/research question Method used ResultsSignificance Questions it raises/critiques
Organizing For Paper Make an outline Plug in sources where relevant Use to support case Make a clear argument Build up to Hypotheses
Upcoming Stuff Read Chapter 6 Prior to March 8 th Revised topic due March 8 th Study Guide via prior to March 8th Midterm March 10 th