What Is Visible Thinking?
What is Visible Thinking? Using thinking routines and documentation to deepen students' understanding.
Six Key Principles of Visible Thinking
1Learning is a Consequence of Thinking Share and Build Knowledge 2Good Thinking is Not Only a Matter of Skills But Also a Matter of Dispositions Curiosity and Openmindness 3The Development of Thinking is a Social Endeavor Conversations, Engagement, and Cooperative Learning
4Fostering Thinking Requires Making Thinking Visible Speaking, Writing, Drawing, and Graphic Organizers for Later Reflection 5Classroom Culture Sets the Tone for Learning and Shapes What is Learned -classroom routines/structure -language/discussions -explicit/implicit expectations -time allocation -modeling -physical environment -relationships/interactions -opportunities 6Schools Must be Cultures of Thinking for Teachers "Professional Learning Communities"
A Strategy to Make Thinking Visible is Think-Puzzle-Explore
Think about a topic Identify Puzzling Questions Explore Puzzling Questions
THINK... Arthropod
What is Puzzling ?
Explore Puzzling Questions “A pad of hairs called a scopula may surround the claws. The scopula sticks to smooth surfaces and helps the spider walk on ceilings and walls.” World Book 2000 p. 785
Think-Puzzle-Explore is Similar to the KWL chart but there are Important Differences -Both tap into prior knowledge but Think-Puzzle- Explore asks "what they think they know" rather than "what they know." -Open ended approach enables students to offer thoughts rather than definite knowledge. -Encourages the reluctant student to participate in discussions, since all thoughts are accepted.
Implications for Teaching Learning Process Classroom activities become more learning centered rather than work orientated Builds confidence of all students by increased participation Promotes risk-free environment Assesses student thinking using visible documentation