PLAGIARISM adapted from ANGEL Cyberplagiarism Question Bank
Using something I find on the Internet/Databases/Books for a class assignment and not citing it, is always okay. True False
Plagiarism is using the ideas and words of someone else as my own work without citing the original work. True False
Copying anything from the Internet/Databases/Books and using it as my own work is considered plagiarism. True False
Taking small bits of information from the Internet/Databases/Books and using it as my own work or to complete an assignment is plagiarism. True False
Giving an incorrect reference for information I use is plagiarism. True False
If I use a substantial amount of information from the Internet/Web/Books without the author’s permission for commercial purposes, I have violated copyright law and can be sued. True False
If I download something from the Internet/Web and change only a few words and a phrase, I can use that information as my own for class assignments. True False
I can quote passages from information I find on the Internet/Databases/Books for my class assignments if I properly document where I found the information. True False
Plagiarism is okay if I am not caught because it only affects me and not others. True False
It is impossible for someone else to find the source of something that I have taken from the Internet/Database/Books and used as my own work. True False
Information on and in the Internet/Databases/Books are free for me to use any way I want. True False
If I find a newspaper article on the Internet/Web, I can use it in my work without reference because it is in an electronic form. True False
I don’t have to cite historical information because we already know that it really did happen. True False
Using information from the Internet/Web in my class work without referencing the source of information is not cheating. True False
Using information from the Internet/Databases/Books without properly documenting the source is not only cheating, it is illegal and is the same as stealing. True False
It is getting easier and easier for my teachers and librarian to do an electronic search to find the sources of information I used from the Internet/Web. True False
If I use information from the Internet/Databases/Books without citing the reference in class assignments, I will be penalized. True False
If I need help rewording information I find, I can ask a teacher or librarian. True False