England and the Colonies Characteristics of the “empire” –Mercantilism –Role of Colonies Supply raw materials; Purchase finished goods; –Navigation Acts (1650s) No trade with other nations All trade is on English vessels with English crews All trade must pass through England first Colonies forbidden from manufacturing certain items (may not compete with British industries).
England and the Colonies Poor enforcement of laws – Smuggling is common…especially in New England –Cost of enforcement > benefit gained miles of coastline to patrol Would require customs agents in every port –England distracted by events at home : English Civil War (Charles I beheaded and no king from ) 1660: The “Restoration” – monarchy restored under Charles II.
Attempts to enforce laws –The “Dominion of New England” Established by James II in Attempt to gain control over the “too independent” New England colonies. Merges all the New England colonies into one royal colony: “D.O.N.E.” Sir Edmund Andros appointed royal governor –Very unpopular –Suspends town meetings
Glorious Revolution –James II removed from the throne Catholic… –“Glorious” because it was bloodless –William and Mary invited to be new monarchs. –When news reaches New England, they overthrow Edmund Andros… –W&M restore the New England colonies, but now they are under royal control.
Salutary Neglect –“beneficial neglect” –Colonies are left alone and will grow and prosper with loose enforcement of the laws.