Popular Culture in the great depression Dr. Stephanie McKinney.


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Presentation transcript:

Popular Culture in the great depression Dr. Stephanie McKinney


Center of family life

Speaking to the nation

Radio shows


Duke Eillington


Baseball during the depression

Easy to play

What did the Depression do for baseball? Pay cuts for players Pay cuts for players No MVPs No MVPs Trouble filling seats Trouble filling seats Promotions Promotions Exposure for Negro League Exposure for Negro League Pay cuts for players Pay cuts for players No MVPs No MVPs Trouble filling seats Trouble filling seats Promotions Promotions Exposure for Negro League Exposure for Negro League

Satchel paige

The Rise of the Talkies The End of Silent Film

22,000 musicians unemployed

Stars lost their jobs

Cultural icons were made

Then came color

Print media

Comic books

Popular fiction


Dr. Seuss