“The Change from Roman to Medieval England”. The Problems when Rome fell. Rome was the most powerful Empire in the world. It conquered much of Europe,


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Presentation transcript:

“The Change from Roman to Medieval England”

The Problems when Rome fell. Rome was the most powerful Empire in the world. It conquered much of Europe, but it provided stability and protection for those it conquered. Rome was the most powerful Empire in the world. It conquered much of Europe, but it provided stability and protection for those it conquered. London was a Roman colony founded about 50 B.C. London was a Roman colony founded about 50 B.C.

How Rome worked Rome would go in, set up trade posts, use its amazing army to defend its small towns, demand taxes, and then leave the culture to itself. Rome would go in, set up trade posts, use its amazing army to defend its small towns, demand taxes, and then leave the culture to itself. It did this to Greece, Northern Africa, Northern Europe and as far as it could go outward. It did this to Greece, Northern Africa, Northern Europe and as far as it could go outward. Think of the Bible’s stories about Rome: it came in, took over the Middle East, and submitted the Jews to its control. However, it allowed them to still practice their religion, as long as it didn’t cause any wars or rebellions. Think of the Bible’s stories about Rome: it came in, took over the Middle East, and submitted the Jews to its control. However, it allowed them to still practice their religion, as long as it didn’t cause any wars or rebellions.

Artistic representations of Roman invasion: t9K9FA t9K9FA t9K9FA t9K9FA _i_cDE _i_cDE _i_cDE _i_cDE ND4xY ND4xY ND4xY ND4xY

When Rome falls, it takes the good stuff with it! The “Middle Ages”/”Dark Ages”/”Medieval Ages” are what we call the time between when Rome fell– about 450 A.D.– and when the Renaissance happened– about The “Middle Ages”/”Dark Ages”/”Medieval Ages” are what we call the time between when Rome fell– about 450 A.D.– and when the Renaissance happened– about Because Rome was gone, tribal kings could sweep in and become powerful over small areas. Because Rome was gone, tribal kings could sweep in and become powerful over small areas.

TRIBES-ROME-TRIBES When Rome left, government was less centralized. This means that there wasn’t any big army to take care of laws. When Rome left, government was less centralized. This means that there wasn’t any big army to take care of laws. Rome had left its mark. How? Rome had left its mark. How? Finally, tribal kings started ruling again…. Finally, tribal kings started ruling again….

Anglo Saxon law L4SKoQ L4SKoQ

And I think it’s gonna be a long, long time… It would be more than 800 years before another king would have complete control of Britain!!! And even then, Civil War would hurt Britain deeply. It would be more than 800 years before another king would have complete control of Britain!!! And even then, Civil War would hurt Britain deeply. The Medieval period had A LOT of: The Medieval period had A LOT of: –WAR- small kings fighting for bigger pieces of land –Famine- When you go to war, you either take the enemy’s crops or burn them. –Disease- When you have a lot of people starting to live in big cities, disease spreads fast.

Think about this: Did Rome do the right thing? Did Rome do the right thing? What did it accomplish? What did it accomplish? Is Freedom more important than Security? Is Freedom more important than Security? How did Rome provide Freedom? How did it compromise Freedom? How did it provide Security? How did it compromise Security? How did Rome provide Freedom? How did it compromise Freedom? How did it provide Security? How did it compromise Security? Do countries today try to accomplish what Rome did? Do countries today try to accomplish what Rome did? What kind of person sets out to do what Rome did? What kind of person sets out to do what Rome did? Can a country be free without an army to protect its freedoms? Can a country be free without an army to protect its freedoms? Is war the only way to peace? Is war the only way to peace?