Managing Change and Innovation Dr. Fred Mugambi Mwirigi JKUAT
Introduction Change and Innovation begins with strategic planning Strategic planning is the process of identifying the corporate destination, working out the corporate roadmap from the present to the desired destination and filling the gaps backwards by allocating resources, actioning the roadmap and controlling the process 2
Contd. Strategic planning demands that we open ourselves to possibilities of radical changes in how we perceive, think, and act We must stretch our horizons and widen our boundaries Is liberty Bank just a citizen of Juba, South Sudan, Africa, or a citizen of the world? 3
Shifts to Transformation To move forward we must plan to transform both ourselves and the organization We must trigger shifts in corporate philosophy and values and in the numerous structures and organizational arrangements that shape our current position 4
Contd. The process of transformation is essentially a death-and-rebirth process It is a movement from what is to what is not but should be The movement must begin with a change of mindset Only then can the organization begin to shift 5
It’s a movement. it begins in the mind! 6 Closed-up status- quo-oriented Mindsets Open and receptive mindsets
It’s a movement… 7 Growth stagnation Focused Growth with clear objectives And milestones
It’s a movement… 8 Shrinking Resource Base Growing and sustainable Resource Base
It’s a movement… 9 De-motivated inactive Workforce Engaged and motivated workforce
It’s a movement… 10 Ineffective and inefficient technologies Cutting edge Objective-driven technologies
It’s a movement… 11 Hierarchical Bureaucratic Structures Flat efficient Structures
It’s a movement… 12 Individualistic performance Team Performance
It’s a movement… 13 Market Irrelevance Market Leadership Orientation
The difference between success and failure is the mindset of the person What we can visualize we can achieve Visualize the following…. 14
Possibilities for a city/ university 15
Rediscovering our Mission What business are we in Who are our customers What are their real needs Do we, in serving them, truly solve their problems 19
Key Aspects Strategic thinking Openness to possibilities Resource allocation Measurement of results Lessons for reinvestment 20
Pyramid of strategic thinking Stages are interrelated and interlinked Vision Mission Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives Performance Indicators Activities/Projects 21
Strategies, Goals and Policies 22 Vision Medium term objectives Mission Strategic Objectives Short term objectives Operational Policies Grand Strategy Tactical Policies Strategic Policies Tactical Strategies Operational Strategies C.Vs
23 Key Questions in the change process 23 StageOutputs Where are we? External environmental analysis Internal environmental analysis Where do we want to go? New vision, mission & core values Strategic objectives HOW do we get there? Strategies Results and operational plans Required resources What practical next steps must be made to get there? Short-term budgets Short-term organizational, managerial, HR, etc. decisions and managerial, HR, etc. decisions and actions (“Quick Wins”) actions (“Quick Wins”) How do we monitor & evaluate the plan? M&E plan
Support structure 24 Strategic Planning Resources Good-will Shared values Action Vision, Mission, Strategic goals Structures/ Systems
The transition We plan in order to transform disjointed inputs into one whole that has capacity to solve customer problems In Planning we begin from the known and then transit into the unknown It is a challenging journey that requires unwavering commitment to the course 25
From planning to reaping Transition comes with challenges….. 26 Strategic Goal Setting Strategy Development and Implementation Activities Results
Transition Challenges Structures Systems Processes Politics People (staff) External dynamics (shifts) Resources 27
Transition results Overcoming transformational challenges makes our company an adaptive organic company that respects and embraces learning and reciprocal interdependence We stop working in cubicles (departmental boundaries) and start working in realization that we all need each other An intricate web of interdependence (nested company) is then born 28
Key Planning areas Strategic Issues Strategic objectives Strategies Activities 29
Conclusion Planning is not an activity but a process As an organization we are as good as we plan and follow through to action the plans Planning must be aligned with current reality Benchmarking is key to effective planning and corporate growth 30
We must always remember that change is the only constant in the world If you don’t adopt or adapt to change you eventually become irrevant 31
Thank you 32