By: Bobbi O’Konski & Brynn Lantry
4dRcijsFPWQ&safety_mode=true&p ersist_safety_mode=1&safe=active The video talks Amerigo Vespucci. He was born in Italy and eventually left because of the plague. America is named after this explorer because he found America.
Hearing of Christopher Columbus’ travels being successful, that sparked Vespucci’s desire to seek a western passage to the Indies. Vespucci got three ships from King Ferdinand of Castille and was able to go on his first of five voyages. Vespucci’s goal for these voyages was to take part in the European movement and find trade routes, more land, and of course, some treasures to bring back from his voyages.
On his third voyage Vespucci set sail for Cape Verde, travelling for King I of Portugal. They sailed along the coast of South America. Along the way they discovered America. Vespucci wrote a letter back to Florence calling it the New World
All of Amerigo Vespucci’s discoveries are important. His third one especially be because he is the founder of America! King Ferdinand helped finance Amerigo Vespucci’s voyages. He took with him Alonzo de Ojeda and Juan de la Cosa on his second voyage, Gonzal Coelho on his fourth, and Juna de la Cosa again on his fifth voyage.