Management of Community Nutrition Services Chapter 19
Management Process of achieving organizational goals Four main functions (p. 576) Planning Organizing Leading Controlling
Function 1 - Planning Planning process that helps find solutions key to management success Strategic Planning long-term planning addresses organization’s overall goals
Strategic Planning Process focuses on: formulating objectives assessing past, current & future conditions/events evaluating org’s strengths & weaknesses making decisions about the appropriate course of action
Strategic Planning - DCNFSN Purpose: Enhance the capacity of DC and its members in the area of food security. Goals: Advocate for issues related to food security internally & externally to DC Share information relating to food security Provide a forum for networking for individuals interested in nutrition & food security Enhance dietitians’ awareness regarding the roles of dietitians in food security efforts.
Strategic Planning - DCNFSN GOALACTION Advocate for food security issues internal & external to DC - Revision of NNFB - Participate in civil society initiatives - Review & support relevant position papers
Strategic Planning - DCNFSN GOALACTION Share information relating to food security - Provide suggestions & feedback re: DC conference - Quarterly newsletter - Website - Communicate relevant info to members - Participate in food security related publications
Strategic Planning - DCNFSN GOALACTION Networking forum for individuals interested in nutrition and food security - Ongoing existence of network - Opportunities for members to meet (DC conference & FSA)
Strategic Planning - DCNFSN GOALACTION Enhance dietitians’ awareness of their role in food security - Feature dietitians taking active role in food security in network & members in action newsletters - Food security as nutrition month theme?
Operational Planning Short-term Focuses on activities/actions needed to meet org goals Development guided by strategic plan Deals with specific actions, expenditures, controls & timing of events
Project Management Short-term Focuses on activities/actions needed to meet project goals Coordinate set of activities typically limited to one program or intervention Identifying critical path
Time Line for Critical Path Figure 19-6, p. 589
Function 2 - Organizing Organizational structure formal pattern of interactions designed by management links tasks of individuals & groups to meet goals How to: assign tasks & responsibilities define jobs group employees for certain tasks design reporting mechanisms
Organization Chart Line diagram depicts outline of org structure Provides info on: major functions of depts relationships amongst depts lines of authority channels of supervision position titles within work units
Organizational Chart
Organizational Structure Line position has authority & responsibility for achieving major goals & objectives Staff position main purpose to assist line positions
Human Resources Staffing -- set of HR activities to help recruit people Also responsible for: orientation retention staff training & development performance appraisals
Recruitment Process Develop job advertisement Develop interview guide Screen applications Short-list candidates for interviews Rank candidates Check references Send letter of offer Send rejection letters
Job Description Developed based job analysis Systematic collection & recording of information about a job’s purpose, major duiteis, conditions under which it is performed, & knowledge, skills & abilities (KSAs) needed to perform job effectively Job Description consists of: Job title Immediate supervisor Job summary Job duties Job specifications
Nutritionist, Community Health Services Dept Plan, develop, evaluate, & research nt pgms & services Establish & maintain liaison w/ hlth prof’ls, community gps & agencies Which address food & nt programs Conduct community assessments of need for food & nt programs Coordinate nt activities Within larger dept programs
Performance Appraisal Manager’s formal review of employee job performance Tips for providing constructive criticism in Table 19-3, p. 584
Function 3 - Leadership Process of influencing others toward achievement of org goals & objectives Leading vs. managing both roles critical but profoundly different
Motivating Employees Set high standards and stick to them Put the right person in the right job Keep employees informed about performance Allow employees to be a part of process Effective communication important
Seven Habits and Effective Leadership Stephen J. Covey Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put first things first Think win-win Seek first to understand, then to be understood Synergize Sharpen the saw
Function 4 - Controlling Concerned with regulating org activities Assists performance to meet accepted org standards & goals
Financial/Budgetary Control Accounting is financial control activity Budgeting is financial planning part of program planning process
Information Control Data management system Information systems management
Community Nutrition as Business Need management & leadership skills gives competitive edge in current work environment Continually assess competitive environment Continually assess your strengths Build organizational skills Build managerial skills
MGT Job Satisfaction & Retention Survey of nutrition program staff in EFNEP in New York state Overall job satisfaction high Related to perception of program value Work relationships Having a voice in relevant decisions greater job retention & improved job performance Dickin, Dollahite, & Habicht (2010).