Context – Administrative Unit Reviews Objectives Roles Unit Self-Study Internal Review Committee External Reviewers Next Steps and Key Timelines Overview
Context – Administrative Unit Reviews “A process primarily intended to gather and use information for purposes of improvement or change, without necessarily having the attending goal of making a final decision about merit or worth.” Diamond, R.(2002). Field Guide to Academic Leadership, 226 “An ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving service quality including: Making our expectations explicit Setting appropriate criteria and standards for quality Systematically gathering, analyzing and interpreting data to determine how well performance matches the expectations and standards Using the information to document explain and improve performance” Angelo, T.(1995). Reassessing (and redefining) assessment. AAHE Bulletin,48(3),
Student Services Review Objectives: 1. To review and ensure Student Services is effective in its purpose Effectiveness: –What is our purpose? Are our objectives consistent with Dalhousie’s strategic priorities? –Are we meeting our objectives? –Who do we serve and are we meeting their needs? –Do our processes enable us to deliver on our mission and the expectations of those we serve?
Student Services Review Objectives: 2. To identify approaches by which services are provided in an efficient manner Efficiency: –Are there improvements we could make to our structure, roles, technology or communication to optimize resources, align expertise, improve service, increase job satisfaction, reduce time and cost? 3.To assess demonstration of continuous improvement 4. To help inform the mandate of Student Services leadership
1.To review and ensure Student Services is effective in its purpose; 2.To identify approaches by which services are provided in an efficient manner; 3.To assess demonstration of continuous improvement; 4.To help inform the mandate of Student Services Leadership. Objectives:
Unit Self-study Key Components include: 1.Unit’s Purpose - Mission and Strategic Direction 2.Organization 3.Description of unit offices and programs 4.Trends in the external environment 5.Opportunities/Challenges
Student Services Functional Areas to be Reviewed -Student Academic Success services -Student recruitment and registration -Scholarship management -International student services -Black student advising -Student health and wellness -Counselling and psychological services -Athletics -Student communications -Career and leadership development -Residence life -Student life -Student services at Dal AC
Internal Review Committee The Review Committee is an ad hoc committee composed of 4-6 members and chaired by the Vice-Provost, Planning, as appointed by the Provost & Vice-President, Academic. Committee will: Oversee the review process; Review information and receive feedback; Accept the report of the external reviewers; Produce a final recommendation report submitted to the Provost & Vice- President, Academic; Review the Unit’s strategic direction and plans in the context of strategic priorities and the external environment; Report to the Provost & VP, Academic on overall performance, appropriateness and feasibility of strategic direction and plans and recommend potential areas for improvement.
External Reviewers Two external reviewers will be appointed by the Provost The individuals are selected from similar units and like institutions. Individuals selected will possess specific expertise in relation to Student Service function(s).
External Reviewers Role Review unit self-study and related submissions Interview Senior Management of unit and other key stakeholders Provide a written recommendations and opinion following their engagement on the appropriateness of the unit’s direction; identify significant issues and make recommendations for improvement. Recommendations are made to help inform decisions or change
DeliverableTimeline Internal Assessment Committee Invited Nov. 28, 2014 External Experts InvitedNov. 28, 2014 Campus Communication about ProcessJan 12, 2015 (week of) Self Study CompletedFeb. 19, 2015 External Experts Site VisitMarch 9 or March 23, 2015 External Reviewer Report & Recommendations March 30, 2015 Internal Review Committee Final Report to Provost April 6, 2015 Initiate Recruitment of Vice-Provost, Student Affairs April 20, 2015 Next Steps and Expected Timelines
Vice-Provost, Student Affairs Consistent with other U15 universities Aligns academic and non-academic priorities Vice-Provost, Student Affairs will be a member of: - Deans’ Council - Provost Executive Committee - Provost Committee Replaces Vice President, Student Services
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