A Masters in Education in eLearning The University of Hull
Foundations of Online Learning and Teaching Module aims: explore some of the theoretical issues and processes involved in the practice of learning and teaching online explore some of the theoretical issues and processes involved in the practice of learning and teaching online consider the online learning experience in relation to learner motivation to learn online, learning theory and its application to the online learning context and the implications for supporting learning online consider the online learning experience in relation to learner motivation to learn online, learning theory and its application to the online learning context and the implications for supporting learning online examine the use of evaluation, feedback and assessment methodologies within learning and teaching online examine the use of evaluation, feedback and assessment methodologies within learning and teaching online Learning & teaching strategy: Whole group presentations online Whole group presentations online Small group seminars and workshops Small group seminars and workshops Direct observation and feedback Direct observation and feedback Individual consideration and analysis of a range of key issues in online learning and teaching related to their own professional context Individual consideration and analysis of a range of key issues in online learning and teaching related to their own professional context Whole group action research tasks Whole group action research tasks Assessment strategy: A Collaborative Project A Collaborative Project An e-Portfolio: coursework tasks including critical reflections and workplace tasks An e-Portfolio: coursework tasks including critical reflections and workplace tasks
eTutoring and eLearning Course Design Module aims: explore and critically examine current perspectives in e-Tutoring + eLearning course design explore and critically examine current perspectives in e-Tutoring + eLearning course design gain practical experience of teaching online mentored and supported by the online tutor gain practical experience of teaching online mentored and supported by the online tutor examine good practice in terms of the processes and skills involved for the tutor in supporting, facilitating and managing online learning and teaching examine good practice in terms of the processes and skills involved for the tutor in supporting, facilitating and managing online learning and teaching engage in critical dialogue related to issues raised in the module with a community of peer learners engage in critical dialogue related to issues raised in the module with a community of peer learners Learning & teaching strategy The planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of practical online teaching experience, complemented by innovative practices of online peer observation The planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of practical online teaching experience, complemented by innovative practices of online peer observation Individual tasks, discussion and student-led hot seat debates analysing key issues in online learning and teaching and relating theory to own professional context Individual tasks, discussion and student-led hot seat debates analysing key issues in online learning and teaching and relating theory to own professional context Assessment strategy A portfolio involving a critical commentary, relating theory to practice with respect to eTeaching Practice plan, a critical incident blog, online peer observation reports, and self- appraisal A portfolio involving a critical commentary, relating theory to practice with respect to eTeaching Practice plan, a critical incident blog, online peer observation reports, and self- appraisal An essay exploring one issue arising from the eTeaching Practice and/or online peer observation and drawing on Hot Seat discussion with peers An essay exploring one issue arising from the eTeaching Practice and/or online peer observation and drawing on Hot Seat discussion with peers
eResourcing Module aims: explore and critically examine current principles and practice of designing, producing and managing resources for eLearning and blended learning explore and critically examine current principles and practice of designing, producing and managing resources for eLearning and blended learning examine the processes involved in the development and implementation of resources for eLearning and blended learning examine the processes involved in the development and implementation of resources for eLearning and blended learning engage in critical dialogue related to issues raised in the module with a community of peer learners engage in critical dialogue related to issues raised in the module with a community of peer learners design and evaluate a resource for eLearning/blended learning design and evaluate a resource for eLearning/blended learning Learning & teaching strategy: Small group activities Small group activities Whole group activities Whole group activities Individual consideration and analysis of a range of key issues in online learning and teaching related to their own professional context Individual consideration and analysis of a range of key issues in online learning and teaching related to their own professional context Peer support activities Peer support activities Assessment strategy: Participants will be assessed 100% by coursework through submission of a Portfolio of Evidence of Learning and Reflective Practice containing one Critical Reflection focusing on own participation in and contribution to online discussions and a Negotiated Project involving the development and analysis of a practical resource
Educational Technology – Issues in Implementation Module aims: explore, compare and critically examine various technologies deployed in education worldwide to support learning, with reference to their application and appropriateness within learning and teaching contexts explore, compare and critically examine various technologies deployed in education worldwide to support learning, with reference to their application and appropriateness within learning and teaching contexts critically examine practical, legal and ethical issues associated with the use of existing and emerging technologies critically examine practical, legal and ethical issues associated with the use of existing and emerging technologies equip participants with the knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills which will enable them to undertake informed-enquiry in the evaluation of further technological developments in the future equip participants with the knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills which will enable them to undertake informed-enquiry in the evaluation of further technological developments in the future Learning & teaching strategy: The module is structured around a series of online seminars in which students will be actively involved in problem-centred participatory learning and engaged in critical exploration of a range of educational technologies Assessment strategy: A series of short presentations or podcasts addressing issues explored within the series of online seminars during the module and demonstrating the ability to relate theory to practice in the evaluation of differing issues, contexts and points of view. A series of short presentations or podcasts addressing issues explored within the series of online seminars during the module and demonstrating the ability to relate theory to practice in the evaluation of differing issues, contexts and points of view. A course work assignment addressing a complex learning/teaching-related problem within a chosen educational context and assessing the relevance and application of a particular technology A course work assignment addressing a complex learning/teaching-related problem within a chosen educational context and assessing the relevance and application of a particular technology
eLearning, Context, Management and Implementation Module aims: enable participants to critically examine the policies and other aspects of organisational, national, global and sectoral context which impact on the effective management and implementation of eLearning in particular contexts and explore the implications in a range of different professional contexts enable participants to critically examine the policies and other aspects of organisational, national, global and sectoral context which impact on the effective management and implementation of eLearning in particular contexts and explore the implications in a range of different professional contexts foster the development of the skills and confidence in research and writing which are needed at the dissertation stage of the Masters programme foster the development of the skills and confidence in research and writing which are needed at the dissertation stage of the Masters programme Learning & teaching Strategy: The module is structured around a series of three online workshops. Students will be actively involved in problem-centred participatory learning and engaged in critical exploration of related topics through a process of discussion, individual research and writing, and critical friend review of each others work, all in negotiation with the module tutor Assessment strategy: The module is assessed through the production of an e-dossier, planned and edited as a group, and comprising papers researched and written by individuals within a learning-set. The module is assessed through the production of an e-dossier, planned and edited as a group, and comprising papers researched and written by individuals within a learning-set.
Research Methods in Education Contexts Module aims: explore the application of the theory and practice of educational research explore the application of the theory and practice of educational research enable students to develop an understanding of the principles, processes and practicalities that underpin successful small-scale educational research. enable students to develop an understanding of the principles, processes and practicalities that underpin successful small-scale educational research. Learning & teaching strategy: Learning activities would normally include tutor led and tutor guided individual and group activity amounting to some 20 hours in total. Students are expected to engage in up to a further 180 hours of self study and to relate the principles and practices encountered in the theory to the issues arising in research areas related to their individual contexts and/or interests Assessment strategy: A final grade for this module will be based upon one mode of assessment: a course work assignment of words or equivalent
supported by your online supervisor guided by structured tasks pursue your own independent in-depth research into a topic directly relevant to your professional working context Or you may choose to take individual modules instead of the whole MEd Programme ….. and a dissertation
... a flexible award structure tailored to your needs The programme aims to provide professionals in education and training with a critical understanding of the key issues involved in the design, development and implementation of eLearning … a unique opportunity to meet and interact with professionals from all over the world "I learned a great deal from the whole experience and the most significant aspect of the course was the amount I learned from collaboration with the rest of the group. It was interesting to share experiences with people with very different professional backgrounds and it surprised me that many of the issues and problems we faced were the same. The international dynamics of the group enabled a real development in my breadth of vision in relation to teaching and learning in general and, teaching and learning online
During the course we were always encouraged to relate the learning to our work environment and I found the content helped me become more effective in my professional capacity Suddenly having access to professionals from other areas of education, with all the experience, know-how and information that they bring to the course not only makes the course interesting but gives me insights into my own ways of working.... focus and emphasis placed on your professional working context
The Masters is part-time, delivered entirely online and offers you complete flexibility of time, pace and place of study. The programme is supported by eBridge - the University of Hulls implementation of the open source Sakai Collaborative Learning Environment... contact us today … access your personalised online learning environment, anytime, anywhere