Utena Dauniskis gymnasium Comenius Multilateral Partnership Training For LIFE: Leadership Initiative For Europe Excellence ALL ABOUT THE INTERNET AND ITS ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Utena 24-28/ By Ernestas Truskauskas, Mindaugas Trinkūnas, Martynas Merkys.
Facebook and its influence on people
Negativity of facebook
Translation : I didn’t choose thug life, thug life chose me. A bit more of negativity
The third point of negativity is being posted on facebook
Bright side of facebook
“Natural cures not medicine”
Facebook can also brighten your day
Communicability thanks to the Internet
Skype In my opinion, the best for communication is Skype
All the information you need thanks to the Internet
You can also learn a lot of things from it
Buy all the things you need
Buy everything and anything
You can make a living from marketing on the Internet
World-wide news
With the help of the Internet you can see the places you’ve always wanted to see
If you’re not interested in this advanced stuff there is a lot of entertainment on the Internet
The Internet is much more than I talked about, it’s just too large to mention it all…