By Erin Schrack Computers 8 NUTRITION
Provides energy for body 2 major types Simple (sugar) –digest quickly & easily Complex (starches) – chain of simple carbs connected together Most common carbs: glucose & fructose Body breaks down into simple sugars Foods include: grain, dairy, fruits, sweets, etc. CARBOHYDRATES
Acts as an insulation against heat loss Provides energy to body Protects important organs 2 types Saturated (butter, lard, margarine) Polyunsaturated & monounsaturated fats (sunflower, canola, olive, peanut, sesame, soybean oils, etc.) Amount of fat is essential for balanced diet Foods: meat, dairy, commercial pastries, etc. FATS
Provide energy for body Build, maintain, and repair tissues in body Two types Complete (animal sources) Incomplete (vegetables) Make up large part of cells in body Made of amino acids- linked together in long chains Foods include: Dairy (milk, cheese, etc.) Meat (fish, beef, poultry, egg, etc.) Grain (cereal grains, nuts, seeds, beans, etc.) PROTEIN
Helps in functioning of stomach and intestines 2 types: Soluble – partially dissolves in water, decreases blood cholesterol levels Insoluble fiber –doesn’t dissolve in water, decreases the risk of colon cancer Mainly complex carbohydrates Foods include: beans, bran, fruits, cabbage and other leafy vegetables, nuts, whole-grain bread, etc. FIBER
Necessary for growth and health Increases speed of chemical reaction in body Keeps skin healthy & builds resistance to infection 2 types Fat-soluble vitamins – vitamins A, D, E, K, store these vitamins in the liver and fatty tissues Water-soluble vitamins - dissolve more readily in water Regulate chemical reactions when body converts food into energy and living tissues Some essential vitamins produced within body itself VITAMINS
Many vitamins Vitamin A- occurs naturally (egg, liver, milk etc.) Vitamin D- (sunshine vitamin) forms on skin when exposed to sunlight, prevents bone disease Vitamin E - important role in maintaining cell membranes Vitamin K - essential for blood clotting Vitamin C - essential for healthy blood vessels, bones, and teeth VITAMINS (CONT.)
Helps body grow, develop & stay healthy Builds strong bones, transmits nerve impulses Make hormones & maintain normal heartbeat 2 kinds: macrominerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur) Trace minerals (iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium) Calcium is the top macromineral Foods include: Meats, certain vegetables, certain fruits, dairy MINERALS
Transports nutrients & waste products necessary for all digesting, absorbing circulating & excreting Maintains proper body temperature Removes toxins and wastes from body Acts as cushions for organs In almost everything we eat and drink WATER
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