Chile Marketing Report AllSmile Ryan Gardner Lizzy Smith Tom Bredin
Chile Capitol: Santiago Population: 16,763,470 Language: Spanish Government: Representative Democracy President: Michelle Bachelet Surface Area: 292,183 sq. mi.
Social Factors Low infant mortality rate Long life expectancy -Age 80 (Female) -Age 73 (Male) Stable population growth rate Young population
Economy Second highest per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Latin America High GDP growth rate Lowest Latin America poverty rate Exporting nation Member of MERCOSUR Currency has strengthened against the dollar
Economic Factors Population (Millions) Population Growth GDP Growth Inflation Rate Mfr Sales/Toothpaste Argentina 40.3 1.0% 5.2% 5.0% 172.2 Brazil 190.4 1.3% 3.5% 6.0% 491.4 Chile 16.2 0.9% 12.5% 5.3% 112.3 Mexico 108.8 1.2% 255.2 Peru 28.6 1.4% 4.6% 3.0% 35.6 Venezuela 26.0 12.0%
Competition Local One has the largest market share Regional One has 2nd largest market share Britesmile is the only global competitor
Prior to Entry No kids market established Economy White Healthy Kids Total Unit Sales (Mill.) 45.2 8.8 29.6 0.0 83.6 Britesmile 0.0% 100.0% 10.5% Local One 69.5% 69.8% 62.3% Regional One 30.5% 30.2% 27.1% No kids market established Low competition in whitening market
Target Market Establish a Kid’s variation of Allsmile Young/Whitening because only offered in one market Target economy toothpaste market
Products We Plan To Offer Young Whitening: Medium, Tube, Paste Family/Kids: Medium, Pump, Gel Family/Economy: Medium, Tube, Paste
Younger-Whitening Size: Delivery: Texture: Small 40.0% Tube 70.0% Paste 60.0% Medium 55.0% Pump 30.0% Gel Large 5.0%
Family/Kids Size: Delivery: Texture: Small 30.0% Tube 25.0% Paste 10.0% Medium 35.0% Pump 75.0% Gel 90.0% Large
Families-Economy Size: Delivery: Texture: Small 5.0% Tube 60.0% Paste 40.0% Medium Pump Gel Large 35.0%
Pricing Argentina Brazil Chile Mexico Peru Venezuela Approx. Cost Reduction 9% 13% 11% 19% 26% 28% $104 Million (USD) currently being spent on toothpaste in Chile Economy paste tube: 700 (Ch $) Whitening Tube Paste: 800 (Ch $) Kids Pump Gel: 830 (Ch $)
Distribution Preferences are evenly distributed Retail Sales (Millions USD) Traditional Self-Serve Hyper Market Web/ Other Home % Direct Chile 139.7 40.2% 25.9% 32.1% 1.8% 29.3% Preferences are evenly distributed Target almost all distribution channels
Advertising Our ads will be relevant and connect to the Chilean people. Ads for: -Younger/Whitening -Families/Economy -Families/Kids. Allsmile currently has ads available for Whitening and Basic, we can use those to the Chile market.
Allsmile must build a plant in Chile: Plant Decision Allsmile must build a plant in Chile: Central Location Exchange Rates Shipping Cost Labor Costs Tariffs
Exchange Rates USA Dollar (USD) Argentina Peso (ARS) Brazil Real (BRL) Chile Peso (CLP) Mexico (MXN) Peru Sol (PEN) Venezuela Bolivar (VEB) 3.1447 2.2936 558.66 11.4943 3.2680 2341.92 Argentina 0.3180 0.7294 177.65 3.6552 1.0392 744.73 0.4360 1.3711 243.58 5.0115 1.4248 1021.08 0.0018 0.0056 0.0041 0.0206 0.0058 4.19 0.0870 0.2736 0.1995 48.60 0.2843 203.75 0.3060 0.9623 0.7018 170.95 3.5172 716.63 0.0004 0.0013 0.0010 0.2385 0.0049 0.0014
Shipping USA Plant Argentina Plant Brazil Plant Chile Plant Mexico Plant Peru Plant Venezuela Plant Argentina 0.030 0.005 0.010 0.020 Brazil Chile 0.015 Mexico Peru Venezuela
Toothpaste Sales (Last 6 Years) Country 5 Years Ago 4 Years Ago 3 Years Ago 2 Years Ago Previous Year Current Year Sales Per Capita (USD) Arghentina 122 130 135 132 142 152.6 3.82 Brazil 385 395 390 410 423 454.6 2.42 Chile 59 65 69 78 83.1 5.16 Mexico 150 175 189 209 228.1 2.12 Peru 23 25 26 28 31 35.1 1.24 Venezueala 27 22 26.3 1.02
Why Chile? Transportation Infrastructure Distribution System Economic Infrastructure Low Cost of Labor Centrally Located Steady Signs of Growth