power of science implemented in life quality Improvement of the effectiveness of radiation therapy with radiomodification by Polyplatillen and Fluoropyrimidine Yu.V.Dumansky 1, N. G. Semikoz 1, G.S. Efimova 2, I.N. Grishina 3 1 Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky, 2 Kharkovsky Regional Clinical Oncology Center 3 Cherkassy Regional Oncology Center
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier POLIPLATILLEN ® - Does not cause : hemotoxicity nephrotoxicity ototoxicity neurotoxicity - does not hit hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow - does not develop resistance - reduces the damage to the peripheral blood and organs during radiation injuries power of science implemented in life quality
Open randomized multicentre trial 807 patients The main groupThe control group Quantity of patients Treatment Polyplatillen Tegafur Reosorbilakt Radiation Therapy according to the order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 554, 645, 247 Tegafur Reosorbilakt Radiation Therapy according to the order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 554, 645, 247 power of science implemented in life quality
Localization of the tumor process The main group The control group Tumors of the maxillofacial area and neck stage III - IV with metastases on one or two sides Tumors of the reproductive system of women stage I B - III Tumors of the rectum stage II - III B 6965 Breast tumors stage II B - III B with metastases in lymphatic nodes as a result of disease progression on the background of chemotherapy 4150 Esophageal tumors stage III - IV 1816 Brain tumor: anaplastic astrocytoma, anaplastic (malignant) meningioma 42 Distribution according to the localization of the tumor process power of science implemented in life quality
The scheme of the treatment of the main group weekassignmenttotal radiation dose 1st weekRadiation, chemotherapy, detoxification therapy: Polyplatillen intravenously weekly 200mg/m 2 Tegafur daily oral Reosorbilakt intravenously weekly on the 2nd - 3rd day of exposure, ml Radiotherapy single radiation dose 2 Gray, 5 times a week Up to the total radiation dose Gray 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week The interval between courses of treatment 6th week 7th week 8th week 9th week Radiation, chemotherapy, detoxification therapy Up to the total radiation dose Gray 10th week Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Results of treatment complete regression partial regression stabilizationprogress The main group The control group The main group The control group The main group The control group The main group The control group Patients, % more than % 45 not more than 50% Tumors of the reproductive system of women 31% of patients of the main group managed to hold radical surgery power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Results of treatment complete regression partial regression stabilizationprogress The main group The control group The main group The control group The main group The control group The main group The control group Patients, % Tumors of the maxillofacial area and neck power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Results of treatment partial regressionstabilization The main groupThe control groupThe main group The control group Patients, % 100 up to 80% tumor 10 up to 50% tumor 90 Tumors of the esophagus power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Results of treatment Tumors of the rectum -- subjective improvement of the the general condition in 70% of patients -- reduction of pain -- reducing the overall weakness -- reducing the amount of blood and mucus secretions -- according to a sigmoidoscopy - reducing the size of the tumor and bleeding -- with digital examination - the appearance of the tumor mobility -- In patients with a main clinical group with localization of the oncological process in the lowerampullary and anal part of the rectum, after the course of treatment was almost 100% of tumor regression power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Results of treatment complete regression partial regression stabilizationprogress The main group The control group The main group The control group The main group The control group The main group The control group Patients, % Breast tumor power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Summarized results of the treatment for all localizations scheme is effectivescheme is ineffective The main groupThe control groupThe main groupThe control group n=336 82,7% n=228 56,8% n=70 17,3% n=173 43,2% 3rd grade toxicity in the main group - 5.8% and 4.4% in the control group power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Conclusions Carrying chemotherapy with low toxic platinum drug Polyplatillen and oral fluoropyrimidine Tegafur with simultaneous use of radiation therapy: ● enhances subjective and objective effectiveness of the treatment from 56.8% to 82.7% ● allows for enhanced cytotoxic effect on the tumor due to synergies effects of drugs with different mechanisms of action and toxicity profile power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier Conclusions ● allowed to increase by 25.9% positive responses of primary tumors, namely the cases of partial and complete regression ● did not enhance the toxicity of treatment. Comparison of the data analysis of the frequency of negative phenomena III degree 5.8% and 4.4% in both groups indicates the same toxicity profile for both regimens of treatment power of science implemented in life quality
Polyplatillen® platinum on DNA carrier power of science implemented in life quality