2009 The Natural Step Sustainable Development Overview
2009 The Natural Step
years years years
2009 The Natural Step
“A development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." WCED 1987, Brundtland Rapporten, Vår gemensamma framtid
2009 The Natural Step
Are we becoming more or less sustainable?
2009 The Natural Step Ett hållbart samhälle We are in a funnel.. Tid Dagens situation
2009 The Natural Step Earth Overshoot!
2009 The Natural Step Human needs Subsis- tence Idleness Partici- pation ProtectionAffection Under- standing CreationIdentityFreedom Manfred Max-Neef et al
2009 The Natural Step Billions 160,000 B.C. 100,000 B.C. 10,000 B.C. 7,000 B.C. 6,000 B.C. 5,000 B.C. 4,000 B.C. 3,000 B.C. 2,000 B.C. 1,000 B.C. 1 A.D. 1,000 A.D. 2,000 A.D. World Population 8 9 Human Population Growth 7 2,150 A.D – 6.56 Billion 1945 – 2.3 Billion 2050 – 9.1 Billion 250 Million 1492 – 500 Million 1776 – 1 Billion First Modern Humans Source: United Nations
2009 The Natural Step Human Development Index & Ecological Footpring of Nations (2005) USA, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates Sweden Mauritius Source:
The Good news: It’s possible There is a Framework
2009 The Natural Step Before 2006 Warnings 2006 Inconvenient Truth – threat and darkness 2007 It is here to stay and it is cool 2008 How to create business Sustainability in media
2009 The Natural Step Waves of innovation Source: The Natural Edge Project (2005)
2009 The Natural Step Life Cycle Exercise Have you had a cup of coffee today? In groups: -Draw the life cycle stages of the coffee you’re going to enjoy in a few minutes - Identify main sustainability issues along life cycle stages.