Using pronouns with commands Unidad 5 Lección 1 español 3
Types of pronouns we’ll see reflexive pronouns come from reflexive verbs acostarse, arreglarse indirect object pronouns To whom or for whom? people pronouns me, te, le, les, nos, os direct object pronouns What? Substitutes the main noun in the sentence lo, la, los, las
Placement of the Pronouns Affirmative Commands Attach to the end of the commands Use accents (when applicable) to keep the natural sound/stress of the verb Negative Commands Separate from verb Place in front of the verb
Sample Sentences: affirmative formal commands Comb your hair in the bathroom. Péinese el pelo en el baño. Wash your hands. Lávense las manos.
Sample Sentences: negative formal commands Don’t comb your hair in the bathroom. No se peine el pelo en el baño. Don’t wash your hands. No se laven las manos.