Where is the Republic of China?
Last Emperor, Pu-Yi, Qing Dynasty
Xinhai Revolution
Wuchang Uprising: October 10, 1911 led to the provinces declaring their independence from the central government in 1911 ended the 2,000 years of dynastic reign in China opened the doors to the Republican Era
China’s National Father: Dr. Sun Yat-Sun
Dr. Sun Yat-Sun’s Dream The Three Principles of the People Min Zu (People's Nationalism) Min Zu (People's Nationalism) Min Quan (People's Sovereignty) Min Quan (People's Sovereignty) Min Sheng (People's Livelihood) Min Sheng (People's Livelihood) Influenced by the watchword of the French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
What has Republic of China been through? World War I (I ) World War II ( ) Civil War ( )
China Split into 2 in 1949 Chinese Communist Party won the Civil War over the Nationalist (Kuo Ming Tang). People’s Republic of China was established on October 1. The government of Republic of China relocated in Taiwan.
Republic of China: Oct. 10, 1911-Present
On Taiwan
People’s Republic of China: Oct. 1, 1949-Present
China C:\Users\hchen\Desktop\War_Civil.png
Exit Ticket 1.Who is China’s National Father? 2.When (mm/dd/yyyy) was the Republic of China established? 3.Where is the Republic of China? 4. When (mm/dd/yyyy) was the People’s Republic of China established? 5.Where is the People’s Republic of China? Bonus: What’s the title of Jackie Chan’s latest movie?