Less than Full-time Training Who can do it - and how. Dr R K Roden
Less than Full-time Training (LTFT) Whats it all about? Who does it and why? Pros and Cons How can I find out more?
All Doctors can apply to train less than full-time but they must prove that they have well founded individual reasons to do so before they can be considered for inclusion in a scheme.
Top Priority Doctors with disabilities or suffering from ill- health Doctors caring for young children Doctors caring for ill or disabled partners, relatives or other dependants
Category Two Doctors training for national or international sporting events Doctors who take on short-term extraordinary responsibility eg membership of national committees Doctors training for religious roles Doctors undertaking non-medical professional development
LTFT should provide… Identical training over a longer period Same hoops, hurdles and high jumps as full-time training Competitively appointed Regular assessments Competencies demonstrated No short cuts or early baths!
Training Placements Part of programme Educationally approved May be: Supernumerary Slot share Within full-time post Any specialty, any grade
Less than Full-time Training Example – FY2 Placement / Job Share Two doctors sharing an FY2 Placement Work at 50% Split out of hours between them Cover all the duties of the post Pro-rata holiday / study 6 x 4 month placements Same competencies required Excellent hand over / organisation skills / relationship with department
What works well? Allows training in medicine to continue alongside ill health, personal commitments, etc. Often enhances training Allows greater experience, greater maturity
How can Doctors possibly understand the needs of their patients if they cannot understand their own needs… I.W.L.
Challenges Requires great organisation Often give more of own time Extended training (can return to full-time)
3 Big Cs Continuity of Care Credibility Consultant Progression
Some specialties (eg Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics) are better suited You reap what you sow
How do I access it? Need a game plan Need a job! Need to be eligible Discussion with Training Programme Director / Deanery Resources Placement
You are probably spending more time planning your holiday than your career.
Game Planning 4 Major Choices What are my career options and which is the best one for me? Will I make career sacrifices to follow or support my partner? Will I take an opportunity to work abroad? Will I follow my career whole-heartedly or have other roles? (eg Parent, career breaks, other education, sport)
Any Questions?
Summary Career plan – its never to early (or too late) Opportunities exist to train less than full time and it can be successful The work-life balance only happens if you work at it