Name this place! One of the world’s oldest civilizations with over 4,000 years of continuous history This society has one of the world’s oldest written language systems Borders 14 countries and 4 seas The official language has over 20,000 characters although the average person only learns about 5,000 The most populous country in the world with 1.4 billion This countries Great Wall is over 1,500 miles in length
Chapter a - describe the policies of the Tokugawa and Qing rulers, to include Oda Nobunaga and Kangxi (include how Oda Nobunaga laid the groundwork for Tokugawa rulers) 40b - analyze the impact of population growth and its impact on the social structure
Essential Questions Who were the late dynasties in China? Why did they practice isolationism and how did this affect their society? What is isolationism?
The Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) The first Ming Emperor, a peasant’s son Hongwu, drove out the Mongols in 1368 Helped China return to health and prosperity Reformer Confucianism Land Agriculture Ruthless ruler Moved the capital to Beijing
Manchus and the Qing Dynasty The Manchus were a people from Northeast China (think Manchuria); not ethnically Chinese The Manchus took a Chinese name for their dynasty – Qing Dynasty Last dynasty in China The Dutch won favorable status for trading by paying tribute and “kowtowing”
Kangxi Ruled for 60 years starting in 1661 Reduced government expenses and lowered taxes Put intellectuals into government positions; patron of the arts What does patron mean?
Review Who were the people that took over China from the Ming Dynasty? What was their name? What was one contribution of Kangxi?
Why? Get with a partner and write down two reasons why you think this population boom may have occurred.
Life under the Qing Food production increased, nutrition improved, and families expanded Presided over a time of peace Practiced isolationism with the outside world Confucianism values agriculture over commerce/trade
3-2-1 Here’s What: Describe one very important concept that you learned during this lesson. So What: How can you study/connect this concept so you will know that you understand/remember it? Now What: How can you use this concept to help you become a better social studies reader, writer, or problem solver?
19.3 Essential Questions What social, social, political, and economic changes occurred in Japan starting in the 17th Century? Who were the leaders of this change and how did they facilitate it?
What is this country?
What does this pyramid represent? Get with a partner and let’s discuss for two minutes.
Setting the stage Civil war shattered Japans old feudal system 1467 – 1568 is known as the Sengoku Period – “warring states” period The Daimyo seized control and offered protection to peasants in return for their loyalty The Emperor become only a “figurehead” What do we mean by “figurehead?”
Oda Nobunga Powerful Daimyo – seized power from rivals and capital in Kyoto Was still not able to unify Japan so he committed seppuku (ritual suicide) “Rule Empire by force” His successor was Toyotomi Hideyoshi Hideyoshi unified most of Japan
Tokugawa Shogunate unifies Japan Tokugawa Ieysu successfully unified Japan in 1600 Asked the Daimyo to spend every other year in the capital to prevent them from rebelling – alternate attendance policy!!!! Moved capital to small fishing village called Edo… which would later become…. Take a guess… Tokugawa Shogunate – dynasty that ruled Japan from 1603 – 1867 Military government Absolute Power
Review What is the name for the powerful lord equivalent to a European Noble? Who seized power from rivals and capital but was unable to unify Japan? Who successfully unified Japan and stated a dynasty/shogunate?
Life in Tokugawa Japan 200+ years of prosperity, peace, and isolation Peasants and farmers faced most difficulties More food produced – what does this do to population? Social Structure New feudal structure Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasant/Artisans Merchant Class
Culture Haiku 5 – 7 – 5 syllable, 3 line poetry
Culture (continued) Kabuki Theater – Actors in elaborate costumes perform skits about life
Contact between Europe and Japan Japanese first encountered Europeans in 1543 after a Portuguese ship shipwrecked on their coast They began a trading relationship Tokugawa Shoguns took steps to suppress Christianity Instituted a “closed door policy” for more than 200 years
Review Describe a Haiku? What is Kabuki Theater? Why do you think the Japanese instituted a policy of isolationism?
Summarize Summarize what you learned today in ONE WORD!