Questions Job roles, employment and training
1. State if these statements are true or false; Waiting staff make beds in a hotel.False The receptionist serves food in the bar.False The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant. True The porter carries luggage to the rooms.True
2. Discuss the qualities and skills needed to become a head chef. The person should have the relevant qualifications – City and Guilds, B Tec or In house training to identify the knowledge of the chef. They should have developed experience of a range of areas. They should be able to work under pressure. They should have a good palate to know what foods go well together. They need knowledge of stock control, budgeting and costing as they be responsible to make a profit. They should be a good team player/leader, and have good communication skills and relate well to others. They should have sound hygiene and good knowledge of dietary requirements.
3. Describe the duties of waiting staff in a busy restaurant. The head waiter/ess, is second in charge of the restaurant (restaurant manager in charge). They greet and seat customers and relay information to the staff. They may also deal with complaints. The waiting staff will each be responsible for an area of the restaurant, where they will serve customers, clear the tables and check the customers are satisfied with the service. They may also help other waiting staff carry and serve food in their area.
4. List ways in which a hotel can benefit the local economy. A hotel will provide employment for the community they are in. The hotel may buy local produce for the meals and use local services e.g. electricians, florists and plumbers. This will help to reduce the carbon footprint of the hotel and the amount of air miles that food goods travel.
5. Explain the differences between permanent and casual staff. Permanent staff will work all year in the establishment. They will have a written contract with their terms of employment and work a set amount of hours/days over a seven day week. Casual staff will work for specific functions and are often employed through an agency. They do not have a written contract or set hours to work, but are called in during busier times of the year e.g. Christmas.