RepoMMan RepoMMan and Hulls Institutional Repository Richard Green
Hulls vision Hulls vision for an Institutional Repository is an extremely broad one Conventional view was exposure of completed objects Hulls encompasses storage, access, management and preservation from concept to completion Our view is gaining wider acceptance...
The repository grand plan
Security XACML security can control who does what by object object datastream dissemination method... etc Staff can access UoH Std images BUT only through and approved disseminator and they cannot access the archive or full-size images
Content models and security For security and distribution purposes, public documents need to conform to a standard structure: a content model UoH standard colour image model UoH standard public document model etc These exist in a very early draft for development
Workflow aim is to provide storage, access, management and potential preservation painlessly the repository will be a working environment as well as a showcase automation of repository processes (file handling, auto-metadata) is progressing
Coming next Summer: we hope to have a demonstrator of some of the workflow processes for researchers – working through the University Portal and the Sakai C&LE Autumn: turn our attention to administrative and T&L needs.
Project website