Perspectives from around the UK An Update from Scotland Moira Mackenzie Telecare Development Manager, SCTT.


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Presentation transcript:

Perspectives from around the UK An Update from Scotland Moira Mackenzie Telecare Development Manager, SCTT

TELECARE & TELEHEALTH PROGRESS SO FAR.. Fair to Good engagement from all local community based partnerships Nearly 44,000 new telecare users funded by £20m Scottish Gov Programme (£450 each?) 4 National Telehealth Programmes Significant increase of embedded skills, experience & expanding range of technology applications and services Infrastructure developments on Training & Ed, VC links, Standards, Procurement

TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION LIFECYCLE Source: Mike Clark/Nick Goodwin: Sustaining Innovation in TH&TC – WSDAN 2010 Telecare in Scotland Telehealth in Scotland

THE LADDER TO SUCCESS? Strategic/Political Leadership & Commitment Governance & Accountability Clear focus/targets – evaluation & monitoring Integrated priorities & processes – embed in service redesign Identify & invest in supporting infrastructure – ed & training, standards, procurement Strong project/programme management Staff/service user/carer engagement Shared learning/knowledge transfer Partnership approach Communications/Publicity/ Advertising Transferable across Health, Housing, Care?




SCOTTISH ASSISTED LIVING PROGRAMME Phase One = DALLAS MoU in place between TSB& Scottish Government – Mar 11 (Joint Funding up to£10m) Programme Board established – Apr 11 Local Health & Social Care Partnership Approach/confirm Geographic Focus – end June 11 Industry Briefing Events – 27 & 28 June Currently developing the Scottish Requirements within DALLAS: Outcomes/Outputs…..

STRATEGIC REQUIREMENTS The Scottish DALLAS Programme will; Satisfy and deliver the programme goals set by the Technology Strategy Board Deliver the National Telehealth Strategy for LTC with local health & social care partnerships Aim to achieve the technology innovation potential of the programme through partnership with Scottish Enterprise and HIE Be sensitive to and support wider UK and European strategies Provide an effective, widely adoptable choice for users and carers

PROGRAMME FEATURES Team Scotland approach Trail blazer for Scotland wide roll-out, not individual projects A true national deployment – 10,000 adults with LTC minimum Build on Scottish/UK/other successes in Telecare/health Incorporate previous lessons learned Evidence-based implementation Leave a legacy beyond DALLAS/platform for Phase Two

SHARED LEARNING Must harmonise with DALLAS evaluation across UK wide sites Impact assessment will be built in Will not be a randomised control trial Capture & disseminate experience as progress Evidence will shape & drive innovative service redesign Complementary research opportunities Share learning & support all of Scotland!

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