Habitat - Rainforest Abiotic Factors: The average temperature in tropical rainforests ranges from 70 to 85°F (21 to 30°C). Tropical rainforests maintain a high humidity. The yearly rainfall ranges from 80 to 400 inches (200 to 1000 cm). Rainforests are warm all year-round. Rainforests are extremely humid. Rainforest's soil is moist.
Habitat - Rainforest Poison Dart Frog MacawSloth Toucan Boa Constrictor BambooBougainvillea Coconut Tree MengarisMangrove Forests
Habitat - Rainforest Interesting Facts: It can downpour as much as 2 inches (5 cm) in an hour! Tropical rainforests are important because they provide oxygen, take in carbon dioxide, and are a huge source of biodiversity and cultural diversity. About 27% of the bird species in the world live in tropical rainforests.
Alien’s Characteristics Appetite: The alien in an omnivore. The way the alien obtains energy is that it has sharp teeth. With these teeth is ‘blends’ up food into a liquid like on their home planet. The alien can adapt easily and effectively. The alien eats the same as on Vegatron.
Alien’s Characteristics: Habitat Sloth: The sloth is arboreal, or lives in trees. Boa: The Boa lives in hollow logs. Alien : The alien lives in the trees. Sources: alliance.org/kids/species- profiles/sloth hic.com/animals/reptiles/boa- constrictor/
Alien’s Characteristics: Defense Boa: The boa strangles prey. Poison Dart Frogs: Oil on the skin of the P.D.F’s is poisonous. Sources: raphic.com/animals/amphi bians/golden-poison-dart- frog/ raphic.com/animals/amphi bians/golden-poison-dart- frog/ raphic.com/animals/reptile s/boa-constrictor/ Alien: The alien has huge claws to tear up enemies.
Alien’s Characteristics: Other Adaptations Tough Skin: Tough skin allows the alien to be strong and not get hurt as easy. Changes Color: Skin color that changes like a chameleon allows the alien to blend in. Speed and Endurance: Speed and endurance allows the alien to catch its prey and climb trees quickly. Improved Eye-Sight: The aliens new eyesight allows it to see prey at night and see very fine details from far away.
Alien Competition In this environment, the alien would have to compete for food. The alien competes with the Jaguar. The Jaguar eats deer and capybara. The alien eats the same stuff. The alien competes for food. The alien would be stronger and smarter than the Jaguar.
Mutualism In this mutual relationship the alien kills its prey and tears it up. The boa helps protect the alien while it does so and in return the boa gets some of the kill. The creatures both benefit. I will protect you
Commensalism The anaconda kills its prey such as a capybara, (by strangling it.) The anaconda leaves food behind when it is full. The alien comes by and eats the leftovers. The alien benefits and the anaconda in not harmed. Go for it! Can I have this?
Parasitism The tarantula lays its egg sac on the aliens back. When the sac breaks open the spiders borrow in the alien. The spiders eat the alien from the inside out. AHH
Food Chain
Comparative Photo
Sources es.htmlhttp://addiesrainforest.weebly.com/carnivor es.html (photos) 2xxU4iFJ4- xyASzsoLIDQ&ved=0CAMQqi4oAg 2xxU4iFJ4- xyASzsoLIDQ&ved=0CAMQqi4oAg (images) (info)
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