HISTORY founded 622 CE (HIJRI CALENDER) Place founded Mecca, Saudi Arabia Founder Muhammed (born c.570), a trade merchant from Arabia
ISLAM Adherents 1.3 billion second largest religious following in the world
ISLAM Main location Middle East and North Africa Major sects and denominations Sunni and Shi’ite: Twelvers - Majority Shi'ite denomination that reveres the Twelve Imams Seveners - Shi'ite denomination holding that the legitimate line of imams ended with the seventh
ISLAM Sacred text Qur'an (Koran) and the Hadith Original language Arabic Religious professionals sheikh; imam (Shi'ite) House of worship mosque
ISLAM Human nature Born in a state of purity, imperfect yet capable of seeking God and doing good Purpose of life: Submit to the will of Allah and attain paradise after death How to live Follow the Qur'an, Hadith and Five Pillars of Islam Afterlife Resurrection of body and soul followed by eternal paradise or hell
ISLAM Symbols crescent moon and star
ISLAM Major holidays Ramadan - month long Eid al-Fitr - Festival of Breaking the Fast Hijra - week long; begins 1 Muharram Eid al-Adha - Festival of Sacrifice Hijra
ISLAM Five Pillars 1. Confession of faith (shahada) 2. Daily prayer (salat) 3. Alms tax (zakat) 4. Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) 5. Fasting during Ramadan (sawm)
BUDDHISM Meaning of name "Buddhism"? System taught by the Buddha
BUDDHISM Date founded: c. 520 BCE
BUDDHISM Place founded: Northeastern India Founder: Siddharta Gautama ("the Buddha"), an Indian prince Adherents: 360 million Size rank: Fourth largest world religion
BUDDHISM Major divisions: Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana Theravada is atheistic; Mahayana is more polytheistic Sacred texts: Pali Canon (Tripitaka), numerous Mahayana sutras Original language: Pali Spiritual leader: Monk (lama in Tibetan Buddhism)
BUDDHISM Human nature: There is no self or soul. Human existence is nothing more than a combination of five impermanent components (khandas). Theravada - Become an arhat, escape the cycle of rebirth, and attain nirvana. Mahayana - Become a boddhisatva then help others attain enlightenment. Rebirth or nirvana. Nirvana is seen simply as the cessation of suffering by some and as a heavenly paradise by others.
BUDDHISM BELIEFS: 1. Equanimity (upekkha) 2. Loving-kindness (metta) 3. Compassion (karuna) 4. Sympathetic joy (mudita)