CREE Demonstrato r Screenshots. Three demonstrators Local web environment Online learning environment/VLE Institutional portal environment All fully functional.


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Presentation transcript:

CREE Demonstrato r Screenshots

Three demonstrators Local web environment Online learning environment/VLE Institutional portal environment All fully functional and interactive for use in CREE user testing sessions

A range of search tools Library catalogue (University of Hull) Bibliographic resource (zetoc, GetRef) Subject resource (Archaeology Data Service) Reference resource ( Web resources (RDN) Internet search engine (Google)

Local web environment

All results presented in a new window Using individual resource look and feel Demonstrator available at: _index.html _index.html Availability maintained but cannot be guaranteed at all times

Online learning environment

Mocked up web page No available VLE system capable of supporting such presentation Used Sakai CLE look and feel Demonstrator available at: ex.html ex.html Availability maintained but cannot be guaranteed at all times

Institutional portal environment

Built using uPortal 2.4 Search tools presented as JSR 168 portlets All results presented within the portal Not currently available Though please contact the project manager if demonstration required …but see subsequent slides for a selection of screenshots

JAFER portlet

JAFER portlet results

JAFER portlet detailed result NB. Exact fields displaying depends on Z39.50 settings

GetRef portlet

GetRef portlet results

GetRef portlet abstract display

HEIRPORT portlet

HEIRPORT portlet preferences

HEIRPORT portlet results

HEIRPORT portlet notepad

Google portlet

Google portlet results

Google portlet preferences

Google portlet help