University Research Procedures Research Processing Training Day - 28 April 2006
Procedure Overview Academic Unit Contacts Costing a Research Project Commercial Contracts Internal Authorisation University Approval Post Award
Academic Unit Contacts
University Research Office Research Funding Support Team Jonathan Cant - Manager Liz Wilson - Funding Co-Ordinator Tracy Bower - Funding Co-Ordinator Phil Wiles - Funding Initiatives Officer Chris Drew - Clerical Assistant
Costing a Research Project Full Economic Cost Government Directive for Higher Education Sector Changes are part of the Governments wish to put university funding on a more sustainable footing Additional funds made available to the Research Councils - £120m from 2005/06 and £200m from 2007/08 Costs are identified as falling under 3 headings Directly Incurred Costs Directly Allocated Costs Indirect Costs
Costing a Research Project Full Economic Cost In order to meet the requirements of Full Economic Costing the University of Hull has invested in pFACT a dedicated costing and pricing tool.
Commercial Contracts Who is the Sponsor If it is the NHS then there is already a Research Framework Agreement in place For each project an annexe 1 is required If there is third party sponsorship then a Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) is required A University template is available and encouraged Some sponsors have their own CTA In all cases the University Legal Office will check and advise on the appropriateness of contracts
Commercial Contracts Other documents required by the University Ethical Approval Protocol Indemnity will be checked by the University Insurance Officer
Internal Authorisation Complete RAR Form - usually by the Academic Unit Contact pFACT costing printouts can be included with the forms Signed by: the Principal Investigator Steve Giddings Nick Stafford
University Approval Checklist Contract agreed with Legal Office Ethical Approval Protocol available pFACT entry Signed RAR Form
Post Award Project registered on the Research Office Database Only projects registered on this can be included in the RAE submission Documents prepared into a handover pack Original fully signed contract required Post Award will then: Set up a finance budget code Arrange invoices etc Post Award are part of Central Finance