WOC2: Underground Storage (UGS) IGU: 2006 – 2009 TWP Preparation Study Group Topic Strat. Guid. Possible interaction with: SG 2.1UGS Database2 SG 2.2UGS technology improvements2 SG 2.3Intelligent UGS (iUGS)2
STUDY TOPICS DESCRIPTION SG 2.1.: UGS Database Continuity in database development Enlarging database, eg: »eruption events »emergency events »remediation »split between oil and gas fields »incorporation of pipeline systems related to UGS »national trends of UGS industry
SG 2.2.: UGS Technology Improvements Horizontal drilling and long-term stability of wells Formation Damage mechanisms and the most serious problems in the various regions of the world, the remediation practices Well Bore Integrity -what tools are used for determination. New Technologies in downhole logging, mechanical integrity testing Cement bonding and how it relates specifically to gas storage wells. Cement deterioration and determination Investment savings – alternative cushion gases etc.
SG 2.3.: Intelligent UGS Automation in dataflow from Scada to reservoir engineering and continuos analyses and process evaluation ICT, reservoir management and technology Data mining and artificial intelligence Coupled simulation, technology/reservoir Optimization, monitoring, operation safety Cost savings
Topic Summary IGU: 2006 – 2009 TWP Preparation Group Study Group 1 Study Group 2 Study Group 3 WOC1Conventional resourcesUnconventional resources WOC2UGS databaseUGS technology improvements Intelligent UGS WOC3Regulation & safetyNew technologiesContribution to SD WOC4Asset managementLeakage reduction3rd party damage WOC5IndustrialDomestic & commercialTransport (NGV) Gas utilisation efficiency indicators PGCAGuidelines of SDGHG reduction case studies PGCBSupply & demand Price formation and trends Natural gas industry outlook to 2030 Regulation & future industry structure PGCCSW AsiaSouth AmericaEastern Europe PGCDLNG Quality & inter- changeability LNG contracting flexibilityRemote & offshore LNG facilities TF R&DRole and structure of R&D within the gas industry /IGRC TF GMI * Best practices summary from relevant committees to be analysed
Action Plan / TWP Milestones IGU: 2006 – 2009 TWP Preparation DateActionResponsible 22/3/061 page (max.) on terms of reference of selected Study Groups (purpose + scope) WOC/PGC/TF Chairs 31/3/06Consistency check and fine-tuningCC Chair 15/4/06Adjustment of Strategic Guidelines (as from committee feed-backs) CC Chair 30/4/06First draft of TWP*CC Chair 15/5/06Submission of individual presentations for WGC2006, Amsterdam WOC/PGC/TF Chairs 30/5/06Final preparation of full presentation of TWP for WGC2006 All CC * Will be attached to Secretariat’s formal request to Charter/Associate members for WOC/PGC participants