Targeted and Intensive Interventions: Assessing Process (Fidelity) Cynthia M. Anderson, PhD University of Oregon
Intensive Interventions Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior Targeted Interventions Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Universal Interventions School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
Important Outcomes Effects of the system Student behavior Staff behavior Overall system Process (fidelity) Fidelity of specific interventions Fidelity of the system
Tools for Assessing Fidelity Self Assessment Monitoring progress over time Developing an action plan External Evaluation Monitoring progress over time Useful when outside opinion is warranted
Existing Tools for Assessing Process Universal Component of SWPBS External School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Self Assessment Team implementation Checklist (TIC) Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Phases of Implementation Targeted & Intensive Components of SWPBS External Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool (ISSET) Self Assessment Checklist for Individual Student Systems (CISS)
ISSET and CISS Key Features 1. Foundations: What needs to be in place? 2. Targeted interventions 3. Intensive interventions SYSTEMS Practices Data For each feature: 1. What practices are implemented? 2. What systems are used? 3. What outcomes are assessed?
Foundations Practices Is there a team that meets regularly and uses data?? Are there multiple systems for identifying students?? Do students and teachers receive assistance quickly? Systems Commitment Universal level of SWPBS in place?? Does team have access to expertise in function-based supports?? Does administrator attend team meetings? Are new faculty and staff trained? Does the behavior support team consist of key roles? Data Are outcomes monitored for and across students? Are data used for identifying interventions? Do teachers see data? Are family members involved and do they see outcomes?
Targeted Interventions Practices Is there at least one targeted intervention? Are interventions efficient? Systems Are interventions documented? Are all faculty and staff familiar with intervention? Is there a coordinator? Data Are there data-based decision rules for all group interventions? Is fidelity monitored?
Intensive Interventions Practices Are FBAs technically adequate? Are interventions linked to the FBA? Do interventions contain key components? Systems Are relevant people involved in developing intervention? Data Are outcomes assessed? Is fidelity monitored?
Implementation Logistics ISSET Who is involved? External evaluator Within the school: Administrator, team leader, 5 random staff What do they do? Interview administrator and team leader Quick interviews with staff Review permanent products How long does it take? 2-4 hours CISS Who is involved? School behavior support team What do they do? Complete CISS, build action plan How long does it take? 1-2 hours
Results: What is Learned? ISSET Percent implemented score for each section CISS Percent implemented score Each section Overall Goals prioritized Action plan built
Using the CISS Planning (the system) Determine who will complete the measure Whole team or specific members? Individually or as a group? Become familiar with the CISS Identify time to complete CISS All at once In stages Scoring (the data) Will the CISS be Scored? Building an action plan
Scoring the CISS Numerical score allows for assessing progress over time Considerations Administer CISS at approximately same time each year Administer in similar way each year Graph outcomes cumulatively
Monitor Progress Over Time
ISSET and CISS: Next Steps Disseminate CISS Use ISSET in research studies Conduct further evaluations of measures
University of Oregon Educational & Community Supports School Psychology Program Cynthia M. Anderson
Targeted Interventions Matches needs of school Can be implemented within 5-days of identified need Similar across students and efficient Staff trained in intervention Materials on hand Coordinator exists Function-based Data collected to monitor outcomes Formal system for informing parents of progress
Identify & train 2 more people in efficient FBA CICO coordinator to attend team meetings Shift team meetings to twice/month Ask SWPBS team to identify students w/+2 ODRs Add routines to RFA Curriculum for annual orientation Build and implement annual screen Jill May, 08 Burt Nov,07 Burt Nov,07 Destiny Nov,07 Fall, 08 Fall, 09