Pronoun Review A pronoun is a word that is used in place of one of more nouns or pronouns The word or word group that a pronoun stands for (or refers to) is called its antecedent Example – Hannah ate her lunch at noon. The audience clapped their hands.
1. Harry is really smart but can’t seem to ever turn his homework in. 2. Ask Miranda how she did on her pop quiz. 3. Running in circles is fun, but it may give you a headache. 4. Both Jackie and Mel said they turned in their homework. 5. It’s what they want you to think. 6. The ice-cream will melt if it doesn’t ship before Wednesday. 7. When the officer chased the burglar, he almost broke his ankle. 8. It was obvious the group knew all of their lines.
1.Everyone at the party enjoyed her evening. 2.The cars have a leak in its transmission. 3.All of the boys helped she decorate the house yesterday. 4.The cow twitched their tail at the fly. 5.Someone from the circus led the injured horse out of the ring. 6.The pig raised their voice in a loud squeal. 7. The audience clapped its hands. 8. The audience applauded her performance. 9. Both of my sisters are successful in her careers.
1.Somebody dropped (their/his or her) wallet. 2.Some of the girls sang (their/her) favorite song. 3.Neither Mary nor Paul studied (their/his or her) spelling words. 4.Everybody must wash (their/his or her) hands before dinner. 5.Nobody broke (their/his or her) promise. 6.One of the buildings lost (their/its) electricity yesterday afternoon. 7.Most dogs are loyal to (their/his or her) owner.