Overview Purposes of assessment Purposes of assessment Often seen as a problem Often seen as a problem How assessment can help How assessment can help
What purposes does assessment serve in education? What purposes does assessment serve in education?
Purposes of assessment Learners Learners What do they know? What are they learning? Do they have difficulties in learning? And, if so, why? Ditto for skills and attitudes
Purposes of assessment Teachers Teachers What should my students be learning? How well am I facilitating their learning? Do I need to change my pedagogy?
Purposes of assessment System System Are pupils graded/certificated - accurately? meaningfully? fairly? How do our schools perform in comparison with each other? with other countries? Are schools transforming young people's lives? preparing them for adult life?
Why is assessment so often deemed to be a problem for inclusive education? Why is assessment so often deemed to be a problem for inclusive education?
problems Information derived from assessment not useful for learning and teaching, or not used well Information derived from assessment not useful for learning and teaching, or not used well Comparative information used inappropriately Comparative information used inappropriately Some assessment practices are exclusionary Some assessment practices are exclusionary
How can assessment help inclusive education? How can assessment help inclusive education? How can assessment help students with SEN receive a good education? How can assessment help students with SEN receive a good education?
Deal with the downside Inappropriate and unhelpful labelling Inappropriate and unhelpful labelling Misuse of raw test results Misuse of raw test results Allowing tests to dictate the curriculum Allowing tests to dictate the curriculum
Capitalise on the upside Information that helps teachers Information that helps teachers Target Target Monitor Monitor Improve Improve
Capitalise on the upside Information that helps teachers Information that helps teachers Target Target Monitor Monitor Improve Improve
Capitalise on the upside Information that helps teachers Information that helps teachers Target Target Monitor Monitor Improve Improve Allocating resources Allocating resources Monitoring performance Monitoring performance
Assessment barrier or support?
Muchas gracias!
Assessment tools for teachers Screening instruments Screening instruments Structured tasks Structured tasks Achievement tests Achievement tests Social measures Social measures (Specialist tools) (Specialist tools)