Ethics and the Christian Christians and Popular Culture
Acts Out of the “matter” of one blood 2.God has ordained (determined) the time in which men exist (times) 3.And the space in which they exist (bounds) 4.A result of the nature of God, who exists outside the realm of time, space, and matter: Genesis 1.1
I John And the world is in the process of passing away—going past us 2.The world—any particular age or system—cannot be maintained. A.Ecc.7:10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.
Galatians Christ died for us 2.So that He might “pluck us out of” 3.This present evil age
John So it is God’s will for us to live in this time and place 2.Which is an evil time and place 3.And to not be tainted by the evil of the world around us 4.But to be set apart to God through the truth of God’s word
So what about our culture? 1.Should we become cloistered? A.Which Fundamentalism is inclined to do 2.Should we embrace it? A.Which the contemporary church movement is inclined to do 3.How do we live I Corinthians 7.31 faithfully?
What is the “problem” with culture? 1.Not just WHAT it thinks. Not only it’s “content:” the things it celebrates and finds acceptable 2.But the way in which it shapes HOW we think 3.Ephesians Living in this modern, popular culture, may be the unique challenge of Christianity for our age.
Let’s take a quiz 1.How many “entertainment devices” do you have in your home? (TV’s, DVD players, radios, computers, tablets, smartphones, gaming stations, etc.) 2.How many “secular” magazines and newspapers do you receive? 3.How many books do read per month that are “secular” in nature?
Your “score” 1.Less than 10: you are pretty reclusive : you are pretty average 3.More than 20: you are highly connected to the conduits of popular culture 4.This is what Myers is “measuring” in his survey. Not how influenced we are by popular culture, but how connected we are to the “supply” of popular culture