Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Cover-Up Listen and read with the teacher Reread to yourself Cover Up! Talk with a partner: What are you going to learn today? How will you know if you’ve learned it? Share with the class Can the class work together to restate what the teacher said? Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria CORWIN: Create PDF so there are two (identical ones) on each page.
Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Cover-Up Listen and read with the teacher Reread to yourself Cover Up! Talk with a partner: What are you going to learn today? How will you know if you’ve learned it? Share with the class Can the class work together to restate what the teacher said? Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria 3-Read Read for CONTEXT What’s the general math topic? Read for CONTENT What about the math topic am I supposed to learn? Read for FOCUS How will I show I’ve learned it? (Will I be solving a problem, doing some calculation, explaining or showing my work . . . ?) Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria 3-Read Read for CONTEXT What’s the general math topic? Read for CONTENT What about the math topic am I supposed to learn? Read for FOCUS How will I show I’ve learned it? (Will I be solving a problem, doing some calculation, explaining or showing my work . . . ?) Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Think-Pair-Share Think Think about the questions below. Pair Discuss the “think” questions with a partner. Share Be ready to share what you discussed. Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria What does this learning intention mean? Is there something else we’ve done in math class this reminds me of?
Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Think-Pair-Share Think Think about the questions below. Pair Discuss the “think” questions with a partner. Share Be ready to share what you discussed. Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria What does this learning intention mean? Is there something else we’ve done in math class this reminds me of?
Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Think-Pair-Share: Taking Stock Think Think about the questions below. Pair Discuss the “think” questions with a partner. Share Be ready to share what you discussed. Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria What task have we been working on? In what way did this task continue to help us work toward meeting the success criteria?
Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Think-Pair-Share: Taking Stock Think Think about the questions below. Pair Discuss the “think” questions with a partner. Share Be ready to share what you discussed. Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria What task have we been working on? In what way did this task continue to help us work toward meeting the success criteria?
Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Think-Pair-Share: Providing Formative Feedback Think Use the student’s response to fill in the blanks below. Pair Discuss the feedback prompts in the “think” bubble with a partner. Share Be ready to share what you discussed. Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria The student met the success criteria by ______. The student didn’t meet the success criteria when ________. A hint that could help is ________.
Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Think-Pair-Share: Providing Formative Feedback Think Use the student’s response to fill in the blanks below. Pair Discuss the feedback prompts in the “think” bubble with a partner. Share Be ready to share what you discussed. Revisiting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria The student met the success criteria by ______. The student didn’t meet the success criteria when ________. A hint that could help is ________.
Wrapping Up Learning Intentions and Success Criteria X Marks the Spot Explain your evidence. Give an example from your work that shows you understand. What’s one thing you did in your work that best shows your understanding? (Ex. “I wrote a clear explanation of the idea”) What could you do to show me you understand? (Ex. “I could explain 2 different ways to solve the problem” or “I could explain how ___ and ___ are related.”) Place an X on each line to indicate where you feel you fall with that success criterion. Get a template from your teacher. Wrapping Up Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Change 2 to two in final text box
Wrapping Up Learning Intentions and Success Criteria X Marks the Spot Explain your evidence. Give an example from your work that shows you understand. What’s one thing you did in your work that best shows your understanding? (Ex. “I wrote a clear explanation of the idea”) What could you do to show me you understand? (Ex. “I could explain 2 different ways to solve the problem” or “I could explain how ___ and ___ are related.”) Place an X on each line to indicate where you feel you fall with that success criterion. Get a template from your teacher. Wrapping Up Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Change 2 to two in final text box