Workshop 3 30/11 Funding and Sustainability of the Master Courses Carsten Mantel tropEd - MSc Programme in International Health Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Financial Challenges: Network Level Tasks Development and review of network joint vision, mission, targets/objectives. Establishment of multilateral agreements between network partners. Establishment and review of joint quality assurance procedures. Development, monitoring and evaluation of an integrated European curriculum. Review and adaptation of degree qualifications. Preparation and follow-up of network meetings
Financial Challenges: Network Level Tasks Day-to-day financial and technical management of network Coordination of students’ and scholars’ mobility periods Further Costs: Network office equipment, supplies Travel and mobility Legal consultants, translations, other
Financial Challenges: University Level Tasks Development and regular adaptation of integrated curriculum Management of students’ and scholars’ mobility periods Regular revision of university regulations re: integrated degree programmes Management of guest lectureships, professorships, etc.
Coordination Costs at Network Level /year Personnel: oScientist, Coordinator (1/2 to 2/3) € oGeneral Administrator (1/1) € oFinancial Administrator (1/1) € oTutors € Equipment, Travel, Other: € Total €
Additional Costs at University Level /year Personnel: oScientist, Coordinator (1/4) € oGeneral Administrator (1/2) € Equipment, Travel, Other: € Total: €
Income – Network / Universities Tuition fees Government subsidies Network membership fees Additional contributions from member universities European Commission (EM) coordination funds National Agencies support Other …
Income - Students Grants and Loans: EC Erasmus Mundus scholarships National grants and loans International Organisations’ grants (e.g. UN) International NGO grants Private Funds
Sustainability of Joint Master Courses Tuition fees Network member financial contributions Adapted European scholarship schemes incl. partial and transferable scholarships EC and/or national support to cover network costs Full integration into member universities’ teaching offer
Joint Master Courses: Who subsidises whom? Cross-subsidisation within a network: Substantial national subsidies to some universities and not to others In line with European Unfair Competition Law? How to best distribute tuition fees across a consortium?
Joint Master Courses: Who subsidises whom? International students (e.g. from Africa, Asia, Latin America) may pay substantially higher fees than European students In line with EuropeAid vision to “provide learning opportunities for all“?
Joint Master Courses: Sustainability Conclusion Harmonisation of governmental subsidies: “All or none“ Continued and increased Commission support for network administration Adapted European scholarship schemes EuropeAid support to LDC students